Social Posting Error Messages | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

If you are unable to create a social post, an error message will be displayed to help you resolve any issues impacting the post. This document will guide you through a list of messages, including their corresponding solutions, for errors that require multiple steps or additional guidelines to resolve.

Content and Image Issues

If your post contains content (e.g., images, text) that can’t be processed, you will need to update or add new content before posting based on the directions below.

The image was unable to be processed by Google

There may be cases where EXIF data is added to images to provide specific information about how the photo was created (e.g., the image is rotated). However, not all social sites support EXIF data. You can use uses sites like this to view and remove EXIF data so that it will not impact the image you want to post.

If you continue having issues after trying the above, please retry posting with another image.

Apple has rejected this post due to its image and/or text

Please ensure that your post media and text comply with the guidelines outlined in the Apple Showcase Posting reference document . You can also see this Apple Support guide to learn more.

Entity or Listing Issues

There may be cases where you aren’t able to post due to issues affecting the entity or location you are trying to post to. If an entity is unverified, inactive, or lacks the proper permissions, you may need to update the entity before you can post.

Apple had an issue publishing for this entity.

Please see this Apple setup guide to ensure your entity is set up properly, then retry posting.

Navigate to your entity overview page within the Knowledge Graph. Ensure that you have filled in the correct Apple account ID on Yext. Please reference this guide for further information.

Apple has flagged that posts cannot be made to temporarily or permanently closed locations

Please ensure that the entity for your Apple Listing is not marked as temporarily or permanently closed in the Knowledge Graph. To do this, navigate to the location entity in the Knowledge Graph and check that the Hours (Temporarily Closed) and Closed fields are not activated.

Google has indicated your listing is not verified

Please verify the Google listing for this entity, then retry posting.

Make sure that you have verified your Google Business Profile Listing on Google before publishing any Google posts. Verifying your Google Business Profile listing ensures that your listing (and all posts made to your listing) will be visible to your customers. If you received an error in verifying your Google listing, you can verify the listing either through Yext or through your GBP profile.

Within Yext, navigate to the All Listings tab and find your Google Listing. Select the Verify Data option and follow the instructions to verify your listing. Otherwise, please log into your GBP profile and verify the listing.

Google has indicated this entity does not have permission to post offers

Posting on Google may not be supported if your entity falls within certain categories outlined in Google’s policy guidelines . If you are certain that your entity does not fall within these categories, please double-check that your Google listing for this entity is verified.

Google has indicated this entity does not have permission to post

Posting on Google may not be supported if your entity falls within certain categories outlined in Google’s policy guidelines . If you are certain that your entity does not fall within these categories, please double-check that your Google listing for this entity is verified.

Google was not able to find the listing for this entity.

Please reselect the proper Google Business Profile listing for this entity, then retry posting.

Ensure that your Yext entity is posting to your corresponding Google Listing. Sometimes this gets out of sync if your Google listings have recently been reorganized within Google location folders!

If you received an error to re-select the proper Google listing for the entity, please navigate to the All Listings tab and find your Google Listing. Within the dropdown on the right, please select Identify Listing and follow the instructions to select the proper GBP listing for this entity.

This message indicates that the location you are trying to publish to is not connected to the publisher you selected when creating a post.

Click View All Locations to be taken to the Post Feed where you can see which locations aren’t connected to the publishers that you selected in the create a post flow.

If you want to publish that post to that location for a specific publisher, you will need to:

  1. Connect the location to the publisher
  2. Duplicate the post (or recreate the post from scratch) and select the publisher/location combination and publish again.

Accounts Authentication Issues

Often if you’ve changed your password for a social network account or if you’ve changed your user’s permissions for that account, you will need to relink/reconnect your account within the Yext Platform.

If you receive a linked account issue, please navigate to Yext’s Linked Accounts Page and relink all accounts that are connected to the entities you are posting to.

See the Authentication and Linked Accounts training to learn more.

LinkedIn has flagged an authentication issue

Please relink your LinkedIn account, then retry posting.

Facebook has flagged an authentication issue

Please relink your Facebook Account , then retry posting.

If you’ve already relinked your account, and are still receiving this error, please make sure that the Facebook account linked has admin access to all of the relevant Facebook locations’ pages. Once configured, please relink your account and retry posting.

Instagram has flagged an authentication issue

Please relink the Facebook Account associated with your Instagram Profile and retry posting. After relinking your account, be sure to navigate back to the Post tab and retry any failed posts.