Step 2: Install the Google Business Profile Connector App
Yext has six Google Business Profile apps. Each of these connector apps pulls in information for a different entity type: Locations, Restaurants, Hotels, Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Facilities, and ATMs. These apps will transform and map all of your Google business information to Yext fields to pull in all of your locations as entities.
During the app installation flow, you’ll need to input a Linked Account ID as well as a GBP Location Group ID.
The Linked Account ID is the ID mentioned in Step 5 in the previous section of this guide. You can find it by navigating to Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Linked Accounts and selecting Google.
To find your Location Group ID, look in the URL when you are viewing your location group in Google Business Profile, e.g.,{location-group-ID}/locations
Install App
- Navigate to the Apps page in Yext and select the Google Business Profile connector you’d like to use based on which entity type you’d like to import.
- Review the installation instructions and click Install.
- Enter the Linked Account ID and a Location Group ID. See the note above for where to find these.
- Click Continue. You will be redirected to the connector overview page where you can either run your connector now or edit its configuration.
- If you are using the connector to update entities that are already created in Content, click Edit Configuration and follow the steps below.
Update Existing Entities
In addition to creating new location entities, you can use the Google Business Profile connector to update existing entities. After installing your connector by following the steps listed above, edit the connector configuration to update pre-existing entities:
- Navigate to Content > Connectors and click on the relevant connector.
- Click Edit Configuration.
- By default, the connector will map the Google Store Code field to the Entity ID in Yext. If the store codes listed match your entity IDs in Yext, skip to step 5.
- If the Google Store Code does not match the Entity IDs of your Yext locations, look for a Google field in the connector configuration that does contain your Entity IDs.
- If you are using a single-location account, you can add an “Add Column” transform with a value that matches your location’s entity ID.
- Navigate to the final step of the connector flow. Unmap the current Entity ID mapping
- Select the field you located that contains the match to your Entity IDs and map this field to Entity ID.
- Unmap any fields that you do not want to overwrite pre-existing data on your entities. For example, if you do not wish to update store hours through your connector, unmap all of the hours fields for each day of the week.
- Click Save. You will be redirected to the Connector Overview page.
- Click Run Connector to update your existing entities!
Next Steps
If you’d like to filter or edit the data that these connectors import, proceed to the next step of this guide. If you’re happy with your new entities, your work is done!
If some entities fail after you run your connector, see the Google Business Profile connector source reference for troubleshooting steps.