Step 2: Add More Fields to an Existing Data Connector

There might be other fields you would like to pull in to Yext for your content types. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Click Edit Configuration.

  2. Click on Specify Selectors on the left side. Follow these steps to update or add selectors you would like to have in order to pull your data in.

    light bulb
    To see all of the fields that are being pulled in with the data connector, click Pull in the upper right corner, and then View Raw Response.
  3. It’s possible that some of the fields you added require a transform. You can follow these steps to add transforms to the new fields you added.

  4. Click Map Data to map the fields you chose to pull in to Yext fields. Follow these steps to map your fields.

  5. Click Save. Then run your connector to see your entities updated!