What is Search UI React? | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • What Search UI React is
  • The libraries that make up Search UI React


Search UI React is a React component library designed to make developing custom, headless search experiences easy.

This track will teach you how to use the library to build a search UI based on search configuration that will be applied to a sandbox account. This account will remain accessible for 90 days. Be sure to check out the Search Configuration track to learn how to set up your own search backend.

Search UI React

Search UI React Github

Search UI React contains fully-styled React components including (to view these components, go to the Github link and navigate to src/components):

It also contains a series of hooks that allow you to create your own search components by pulling data from a managed Search state and create new requests with Search actions.

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    Search UI React contains pre-styled components for which of the following?

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