Updates in Listings | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • An overview of the new Listings features from the Fall ‘22 Release

light bulb
New Release Features
For a full list of features, visit the Fall ‘22 Release Notes .

The Listings Verifier, Listing Accuracy, & Listing Detail Pages

This new improvement to the Listings product ensures that you’re aware of any single instance that your listing does not exactly match the data you sent to a publisher.

Every publisher has its own rules and processes for receiving and displaying the data on their site — referred to as Publisher Transformations. As a result of these Publisher Transformations, sometimes the data displayed on a listing will slightly differ from the data you stored in the Knowledge Graph.

Our goal is to ensure that the data we are syncing from the Knowledge Graph to that publisher is representative of your business’ information.

Listings Verifier

To help us do this, we built the Verifier. The Verifier is a system that automatically scans the web and determines the accuracy of your listings.

We scan each listing on a recurring basis, as well as each time an update is made in the Knowledge Graph. With each scan, we receive data from the publisher on what is displayed on the listing. Then, we compare the data in the Knowledge Graph with what is out there on the listing and try to find any inaccuracies.

Listing Accuracy & Listing Detail Pages

The data fetched by the Verifier is presented as a comprehensive table on the Listings Detail Page, which allows you to assess an individual Listing’s Accuracy.

To view this page in your account navigate to Listings > All Listings and click on the row or corresponding Details button in the table for the relevant publisher.

Listings details button

This table on the Listings Details Page includes a side-by-side comparison of the Knowledge Graph data and the publisher’s data for every field, as well as a Status column that indicates whether the publisher’s data for that field: is “Verified” to match the Knowledge Graph source, is still processing, or is a “Data Mismatch”.

listings verifier table

Data Mismatches occur when the data in the Knowledge Graph and the data on the listing do not match. This can happen in either direction, for example:

  1. There is publisher action needed — If the publisher is missing important data or displaying incorrect data, you can click “Force Sync” to re-deliver data to the publisher.
  2. There are content updates needed — If the publisher is displaying more accurate data than you had stored in the Knowledge Graph, you may want to review the Knowledge Graph for that entity and make any adjustments.

How This Impacts You

No more manual reviews! Before this enhancement, the only way to truly understand if a publisher was displaying your data in the Knowledge Graph was to visit the listing on the publisher site and manually review each field.

Now, you have transparency into this information right in the Yext platform. This increased transparency will save you time, and make it easier to see where you should spend time on Listings improvements.

These details in the platform will confirm that the data we’re syncing to the Publisher network is actually appearing on listings.

Feature Availability

To turn on this feature in your account, navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and select Fall ‘22: Listing Detail Pages (early access).

Additional Resources

Listings Accuracy Metric

In addition to the field by field accuracy details, we have also added a new metric and dimension to help users track accuracy over time.

Listings Accuracy is a new metric in Report Builder. This metric is defined as “the percentage of fields with accurate data on Listings”, with “accurate” meaning an exact match (accounting for Publisher Transformations) to the data stored in the Knowledge Graph.

The Listings Accuracy metric is calculated as the number of fields with accurate data (within the given filtered and dimensioned set of data) divided by the total number of fields (within the given filtered and dimensioned set of data).

It can be dimensioned by:

  • Entity — to give you Listings Accuracy by entity
  • Time — to give you Listings Accuracy over time
  • Listing Field — to identify Listings Accuracy by field supported on the publisher listing
  • Publisher — to view Listings Accuracy by a specific publisher

How This Impacts You

Now you can easily see how accurately Yext is powering your listings over time. For example, a business could use Report Builder to understand the accuracy of each field for a specific location across its listings presence (by dimensioning by field and filtering by entity), in order to identify specific field values that may need attention.

listings accuracy by field report

Feature Availability

To turn on this feature in your account, navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and select Fall ‘22: Listing Accuracy Metrics (early access).

Additional Resources

Google Place Actions

Google now allows restaurants to provide two differentiated food ordering URLs — one for pickup orders and one for delivery orders.

Users will be able to set the following fields in the Knowledge Graph:

  • Order URL which maps to Google’s FOOD_TAKEOUT Place Action
  • Delivery URL which maps to Google’s FOOD_DELIVERY Place Action

Adding these links will ensure that customers see the conversion-driving, blue “ORDER ONLINE” button in the Google Knowledge Card for your business.

listings accuracy by field report

How This Impacts You

If you are a restaurant or business in the food industry — this update is for you! You can Improve the customer experience on Google, and make it easier for customers to order online.

Adding Google Place Actions will remove ambiguous warnings like “May offer pickup” or “May offer delivery” from the listing that can cause uncertainty about ordering availability. This additional data can also help increase the listing’s accuracy, which may improve a business’ rank in search.

Feature Availability

To turn on this feature in your account, navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and select Fall ‘22: Google Place Actions (early access).

Additional Resources

Google Call History Analytics

In the Summer ‘22 Release, we introduced the ability for users to toggle on or off Google Call History from the Yext platform.

This release, users can now view these Call History analytics metrics directly in Yext’s Report Builder. These metrics include:

  • Answered Calls, which can be dimensioned by:
    • Month
  • Missed Calls, which can be dimensioned by:
    • Month
    • Day of Week
    • Time of Day

These new analytics help businesses understand how and when customers are reaching out to their business.

Before you can start tracking calls, you need to enable Google Call History. To do this, navigate to Publishers > Google Business Profile > Configuration. Once you do this we will start pulling in data, and you can create the relevant reports with the metrics listed above.

How This Impacts You

These metrics help you understand when customers are trying to contact you, and allows you to respond to missed calls and stay engaged with customers.

Feature Availability

To turn on this feature in your account, navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and select Fall ‘22: Google Call History Analytics (early access).

Prerequisite: Users will need to first toggle the Google Call History feature on in the Google Business Profile Configuration page. To do this, navigate to Publishers > Google Business Profile > Configuration and turn on Google Call History in the Features table.

Turning on this feature adds forwarding numbers to the phone call CTAs on your Google Knowledge Card, enabling Google to track your customers’ phone number, time of call, and your business’ breakdown of answered vs. missed calls.

We cannot start backfilling data from Google and populating analytics in the Yext platform until this feature is turned on.

Google Business Profile configuration

Due to Google’s restrictions, the Google Call History feature and its analytics are currently only available for businesses in the United States or Canada.

Additional Resources

Twitter Social Posting

Users can now connect their Twitter account with Yext, and post to their Twitter timeline using the Yext social posting tool.

Tweets can include a caption and a single photo.

twitter post

In addition to creating posts, once the posts are made, users can collect the following analytics on tweets:

  • Retweet count (via the UI and Social API)
  • View count (via the UI and Social API)
  • Quote count (via the Social API)
  • Like count (via the Social API)

Post: List or Post: Get requests will both provide all metrics for the post.

A Twitter account must be linked with Yext in order to create posts. Additionally, only one Twitter account can be linked per location. If you want to create multiple location posts, you will need to link a unique twitter account to each location. Alternatively, if your business has one Twitter profile, we recommend linking to the corporate office, or primary location for the business.

How This Impacts You

Now you can easily create and manage social posts on Twitter directly from the Yext platform, enabling you to streamline your social flows with the existing posting capabilities on Facebook and Google.

Feature Availability

Social Posting on Twitter will be available on December 15th with General Availability of the Fall ‘22 Release.

Additional Resources

Additional content will be published on December 15th when this feature is released with General Availability of the Fall ‘22 Release.

Instagram Social Posting

Users can now post to Instagram Business Accounts using the Yext social posting tool.

In order to create posts, users must link their Facebook account with Yext, and have a Live listing on Facebook.

Then users will have the ability to:

  • Create a post with a caption and single photo
  • Manage comments on an Instagram post — view, add comment, reply to comment, or delete comment
  • Collect analytics on posts — such as impressions and engagement via the API

Users will also have the ability to create posts and manage comments through the Comment Endpoints in the Social API.

How This Impacts You

Now you can easily create and manage social posts on Instagram directly from the Yext platform, enabling you to streamline your social flows with the existing posting capabilities on Facebook and Google.

The addition of the Comment: Delete endpoint in the Social API can also be used to delete Facebook posts for users managing Facebook posts via Yext.

Feature Availability

Social Posting on Instagram will be available on December 15th with General Availability of the Fall ‘22 Release.

Additional Resources

Additional content will be published on December 15th when this feature is released with General Availability of the Fall ‘22 Release.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 3

    What does the new Verifier do?

    Error Success Question 2 of 3

    What does the Listings Accuracy metric and dimension measure?

    Error Success Question 3 of 3

    What new Listings metrics did we add to analyze your Google Call History in Report Builder? (Select all that apply)

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