Leveling Up on Hitchhikers | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • How to earn points, badges, ranks, and streaks
  • What you can do in your Hitchhikers profile
  • Where to find the Leaderboard


You’ve probably noticed that you’ve already started earning points! As you engage with Hitchhikers training content, you will earn points and badges to show off your progress, and you’ll move up in rank. You can also maintain streaks by completing content consistently for extra points.

You can keep track of your points, badges, streaks, rank, and more in your Hitchhikers profile. You can also compare your progress to others on the Leaderboard.


As you complete units, modules, and tracks, you’ll earn points. Completing a unit quiz is worth 20 points, and completing an assessment (a challenge or longer quiz at the end of a module or unit) is worth 100 points.

Although you can submit quizzes and challenges as many times as needed, you will receive fewer points for each retry, so read the content carefully to ensure maximum points!


For each track or curriculum you complete, you’ll also earn a badge. Keep an eye out — once you finish this intro track, you will see your first badge!


As you earn more points and badges, you will see that you will achieve new ranks.

There are seven ranks corresponding to a certain number of points earned:


As you acquire more points and badges, you will always be able to track your progress. You can click on your name in the top right corner to see your rank, the total number of points and badges you have, and the points needed to get to the next rank.


Streaks are a great way to track your progress on a regular cadence and earn a few extra points. There are three different streaks you can earn:

  • Daily Quiz Streak: Consecutive days you have completed one full quiz. This can be a unit or module quiz. Missing a day will result in losing this streak.
  • Quiz Accuracy Streak: Consecutive quizzes where you have gotten all the questions correct on the first try. Getting a question incorrect will result in losing this streak.
  • Weekly Challenge Streak: Consecutive weeks in which you have completed a challenge. Missing a week will result in losing this streak.

Each streak is represented by an icon and will be showcased in your profile and the Leaderboard.

streak icons

Hitchhikers Profile

Click on your name in the top right corner. In the dropdown, you can see a quick view of your points, badges, rank, and playground accounts. Click View Profile to go to your full Hitchhikers profile.

Hitchhikers profile

Here, you’ll see your training progress over time, the badges you’ve earned, and your personal info. Click the pencil icon at the top of the sidebar to edit your name, email address, and job title. From there, you can also click View Additional Settings to manage your email notifications.

Scroll down on your profile to see the Leaderboard, which ranks every Hitchhikers user by point totals, and displays the icons for each user’s current streaks.

Hitchhikers leaderboard

You can also use your profile to share badges and streaks on social media. Hover over the badge or streak and click on the desired social media icon to post.

share badge to social

Complete this last quiz and the challenge to earn your first badge!

unit Quiz
+20 points
Daily Quiz Streak Daily Quiz Streak: 0
Quiz Accuracy Streak Quiz Accuracy Streak: 0
    Error Success Question 1 of 3

    How can you earn points in Hitchhikers? (Select all that apply)

    Error Success Question 2 of 3

    When will you earn a badge?

    Error Success Question 3 of 3

    What can you do on your Hitchhikers profile? (Select all that apply)

    Climbing that leaderboard! 📈

    You've already completed this quiz, so you can't earn more points.You completed this quiz in 1 attempt and earned 0 points! Feel free to review your answers and move on when you're ready.
1st attempt
0 incorrect