All Listings Screen | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • How to navigate the All Listings screen

What is the All Listings screen

The All Listings screen in Listings is where you’ll find a listing by listing breakdown for all of your entities. Think of it like your Command Center for Location Listings.

All Listings Screen

You can view, filter, and export your listings from this screen, as well as do things like opt-in, opt-out, escalate and force sync your listings. You’ll learn all about these actions throughout this track.

How to navigate the All Listings Screen

At the top of the screen, you’ll find hero numbers with the most important insights for Listings. Here you can see a summary of your Listings, such as, the number of Publishers you are synced with, how many listings you have, and the status of all of your listings, such as Synced, Processing, Not Synced, and Opted Out. You can click on the hero numbers to easily filter the listings in the table below.

At the top of the table, you’ll see easy to use quick filters for things like Entity, Status, and Publisher. If you click these, the table will auto-filter accordingly. If you’d like to add additional filters on top, you can click the + Add Filter button to further filter the table.

In the table itself, there is a unique row for each Publisher and Entity combination. There are several columns available, most importantly:

  • Publisher: The site that the location is being synced to. If there are any pending duplicates identified, you’ll also see this alert that you need to review your duplicates.
  • Core Entity Information: This is the entity that is being synced to the listing.
  • Status: This is the Status of the listing.
  • Status Details: If a listing is Not Synced, you’ll see more information about the reason why it is not synced and the issues identified here.
  • Combo-Action Button: Surfaces what Yext considers the most important action for that row. If a listing is Synced, it should say View Listing; otherwise, it will present you with another actionable option.

Navigate Listings Screen

You can also export your listings into a spreadsheet, which is useful if you want to get any of the table information in a spreadsheet form. Customers also use this to extract the Listing URLs for their listings for use in other initiatives or systems. To do this, select the listings you would like to export, otherwise all listings will be exported, click on the More Actions button above the table and click on Export in the drop-down menu.

The data in this table is also available via the Listings endpoint of our Management API, which you can learn more about in our API Documentation .

Best Practices

If you ever need to get into the weeds of your listings, this is the place to go. Unlike the Publishers Screen, everything on this screen is down the specific listing level. We recommend coming here to take action on any of your tasks or to learn more information about any listings that aren’t synced.

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