Answers - Prioritize entities individually

Hi everyone.

It is possible to prioritize entities individually in answers to give them importance over others to highlight them in the search?



Hi Sergio - yes! You can choose to boost (or bury) individual entities or verticals in search results.

These modules may be helpful:

Action - Boost and Bury Entities | Hitchhikers (you may want to start with this one as it pertains to individual entities)

Action - Boost and Bury Verticals | Hitchhikers (if you want to highlight or hide a whole vertical in search results)

Hi Katja_Ritchie

Thanks for answering.

We already knew this system of rules and we were already using them.

I was referring to giving priority to entities without the need to include any search criteria and therefore use rules.

For example in these two searches in which the search criteria does not match:

The entity “Plataforma FondoTop” appears in different positions.

Is there a way to individually give importance to this entity so that it appears in the first position without using rules?

On the other hand, how does Yext work to display the results? For example:

In this search, Yext gives priority to the entity “Fondos ¿dónde contratar fondos de inversión?” on the entity “Fondos Temáticos” when the entity “Fondos Temáticos” cuando" has more coincidences in fields than the entity “Fondos ¿dónde contratar fondos de inversión?”.

Shouldn’t Yext prioritize entities with the most field matches over entities with the fewest field matches?



Hi Sergio,

For your first question regarding how to boost an entity without using rules; one clarifying question - do you want that result to always return, regardless of the query, or only if there is a text match with the result?

If you want to boost that particular result for every search, then you could do that with a query rule, using a regex .* pattern, which I see you have done for a few verticals in the search log screenshot you provided. This will apply for every search term, but will also cause that result to appear first even when the algorithm would not naturally that result.

Regarding your second question how the ranking of entities is determined; there are many factors involved, but for results searched purely using text search, we do not rank only based on the number of token matches. We use a ranking method similar to TF-IDF (which you can read about here), which also considers the frequency of the token amoung all documents.


Hi Alex.

I hope you are well.

Thanks for answering

For your question do you want that result to always return, regardless of the query, or only if there is a text match to the result? neither of them. We already know that this can be done by setting a criterion or not setting a criterion. But don’t worry, we can work with these two options for now.

Thanks for the clarification on Yext’s ranking results.

On the other hand, we have seen that the rules have stopped working and that they do not boost the entities. This did not happen yesterday.

Do you know the reason?

