Answers Theme 1.24 (September '21 Release)

We are excited to announce our Answers Hitchhikers Theme 1.24!


With the Answers Hitchhikers Theme 1.24, we’ve added several new formatters, styling updates, and more.

You can find the full list of features and bug fixes below, with additional details available in their linked Community posts.

Upgrade Call Outs

We recommend reading the details within each update item post to understand this theme’s upgrade considerations. Implications—namely re-forking certain files or cards, as well as adding a new variable—will only apply for the following three updates:

Open Status Automation

If you forked the stringlocalizer.js and formatter-internals.js, you’ll need to re-fork.

Styling for Video and Prominent Image Cards

Add the new variable yxt-product-prominentimage-height to your answers-variables file when you upgrade. This controls the height of the image on the product prominent image card.

If you’ve forked the video card, you should refork to get these updates.

Text Highlighting for Google Chrome to View Details on Doc-Search Standard Card

If you forked the documentsearch-standard card you’ll need to re-fork to take advantage of this feature.