Country issue when setting up entity references

Wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. Where do I set/view the country for an existing entity?

I am trying to copy entities from production to sandbox. I have two entities referring to each other. Both entities have “primaryLocale”: “fr”,
Still I get the below issue:
Error: Value must be refer to an entity in the same country
at /km/entity/ea7.json 57:24

There is a linkedLocation field at that line 57 in the event entity pointing to a location entity.

I can also replicate the same error in the UI/Storm. Where do I set the country for an existing entry?

Hi Aditya! It’s not possible to change the country on an existing entity, so in this case you would need to create a new entity in the desired country.

Hi, is there a way to include the country when creating an entity via CaC? As far as I’m aware, there’s no place for it in the schema of entities so I’m wondering how to set that when creating an entity. We’re running into issues with linked entities since there’s a requirement in place that both entities need to be in the same country in order to be linked.