"Did You Mean" Translation

Hi Team,

A client of mine would like to update the “Did you mean:” text on their Search experience to be something else, is that possible?

This is for an Italian client. The current translation reads “Forse intendeva:” but they would like to update it to “Forse intendevi:” instead. Is this possible? See screenshot below

Additionally, said client would like to update the “La sua ricerca - toscanu - non ha trovato una risposta disponibile.” text that shows below the suggested spelling change to read " La tua ricerca - toscanu - non ha trovato una risposta disponibile." instead.

Could someone advise on how to make these two translation updates please? Thanks.

Hi Scott,

Great question - @Max_Davish do you know if and how this can be edited in the theme?


Hey Scott,

You may be able to leverage the “suggestionHelpText” property of the Spell Check component. Here is a link to the documentation for this.


Hey @DJ_Corbett,

Perfect, as per the screenshot below I was able to follow your guidance and update the spell check text.

Now, I’m still not sure on how to update the text below the spell check. So in the above screenshot, the client would like to update the “La sua ricerca - toscanu - non ha trovato una risposta disponibile.” text that shows below the suggested spelling change to read “La tua ricerca - toscanu - non ha trovato una risposta disponibile.” instead.

Do you know how I’d go about achieving the latter? Thanks.

@DJ_Corbett @Max_Davish do you guys know if there is a way to modify this in the theme?

Hi Scott,

This looks like the no results text. Is one of these other Community posts helpful? Here’s one for customizing the no results template and one for just customizing the no results text.

Hi @Kristy_Huang,

Your last comment on this topic states that it is not possible to customise the no results template on Universal - that’s what the client is looking to do here.

If you take the screenshot below, they just want to customise the sentence above “Suggerimenti:”.

Ah yes, you’re right. I see properties to update the noResults property in the vertical results component, but not in the universal results component so I don’t think it’s possible. Feel free to post it to the Ideas board or maybe @Max_Davish may have an idea!