With the November ‘21 Release, the Redox Review Generation app now supports both SMS and email invites, ensuring that patients can be contacted using whatever contact information is provided from Redox. Previously, this integration only supported triggering SMS invitations.
Redox Engine allows health systems to connect their Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems with other systems via API. Yext built the Redox Review Generation App to help Healthcare Organizations automate their review generation workflows by allowing updates made in the EHR to trigger review invitations. Administrators can manage this new functionality through the Preferred Contact Method field in the configuration screen of the Redox App.
Update with the Winter '21 Release
Review Generation Supported for Multiple Entities per Healthcare Professional
- Due to the nature of how Healthcare listings are structured, there can be multiple entities in Yext for a single Healthcare Provider. For example, a doctor that works out of 5 offices would have 5 separate Healthcare Professional entities. Previously, the Redox integration only supported the ability to send invitations when there was only a single entity in Yext for a given Healthcare Provider. Now, the integration will intelligently determine which location a patient visited, and send an invitation for the Healthcare Professional in Yext at the location of the visit! If you are using the Redox integration and are interested in taking advantage of this new feature, please reach out to your CSM.