More Easily Use Answers Search UI Feature Branches (June '21 Release)

We’re introducing a simpler way to use a dev or feature branch without the need to override the core.hbs file. Previously, you had to override core.hbs in order to use a feature branch of the Answers Search UI. Now, you don’t have to fork anything, and you can just put either a dev branch or a feature branch name in your global_config.json.

To use a dev branch: Simply put the name of the branch in the sdkVersion attribute, IE “sdkVersion”: “doc-search-without-storage-changes”

Check out this example:

To use a feature branch: put the name of the branch in the sdkVersion attribute, but preface it with “feature-”, IE “sdkVersion”: “feature-standalone-search-bar”

Check out this example:

For a specific release version, release-[[version number]], IE release-v1.9

Upgrade Implications: If you have forked any of the following files, you will need to refork them:


You can see the differences between the two files here: