Override Field Mappings (Winter '21 Release)

With the Winter ‘21 release, select publishers’ pages also support a configuration tab. For Google My Business, Facebook, and Yelp, you can both enable or disable the sync of certain fields and change the default mapped Knowledge Graph field for a given publisher field.

For example, if you want to send an alternate business description to Google, you can create a Custom Field, then select it as the new ‘Knowledge Graph Mapped Field’ for the Description.

To adjust your publisher sync settings:

  1. Hover over Listings in the top navigation bar and click on the Publishers sub-tab.
  2. Click on Google My Business, Facebook, or Yelp.
  3. Click on the Configuration tab.
  4. Click on the desired field to make changes:
    • Choose whether or not to sync fields:
      • In the ‘Sync’ column you can choose whether or not you want to pass that field to the publisher by clicking on the radio button to turn syncing of that field On or Off.
    • Update Field Mapping:
      • For eligible fields you can update the mapping of what field you would like to send from the Knowledge Graph to the publisher in the ‘Knowledge Graph Mapped Field’. Note, the drop-down will display all fields of that type (for example, if you are updating the website field, you can select from eligible URL type fields).
      • If the drop-down is grayed out, you cannot override the field mapping for that field.
      • You can map to custom fields. To learn more about creating a custom field, see Add Custom Fields.
  5. Click Save.

Note, Partners can apply the publisher configuration to sub-accounts in the ‘Apply to Subaccounts’ column.

Turn on the Winter ‘21: Publishers Tab & Publisher Detail Pages (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period.

To learn more about Publisher Configurations and which data syncs to Listings, visit the Syncing Listings with the Knowledge Graph training module.