Publisher Detail Pages (Winter '21 Release)

With the Winter ‘21 release, we added new Publisher Detail Pages. Clicking into any publisher now takes you to a dedicated page for that publisher. On these pages, you will find useful information, such as a description of the publisher and any affiliate publishers, an overview of all the listing statuses for listings on that specific publisher, as well as a table of all your listings on that publisher.

Each row in the table displays the entity of the corresponding listing, the status of the listing, and any additional status details. From here, you can take action on each listing using the combo-action drop-down.

Some publishers, such as Google My Business, Facebook, and Yelp also feature a Configuration tab on the Publisher Details Page, where you can choose whether or not to sync to specific fields and update which fields in the Knowledge Graph are sent to the publisher. For more information, see the Override Field Mappings community post.

To access the Publisher Details Page:

  1. Hover over Listings in the top navigation bar and click on the Publishers sub-tab.
  2. Click on the desired publisher from the list or use the filter to search for a specific publisher.

For more information about viewing and managing Listings visit the Listings training module.

Turn on the Winter ‘21: Publishers Tab & Publisher Detail Pages (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period.