Porting listing entities to the Knowledge Graph

I am working with a client who was previously on Listings only, but is now upgrading to Answers. We have MenuItems from that Listings implementation that shows up under the Knowledge Graph heading, but a different tab. I.e, instead of it going Knowledge Graph > Entities, and then filtering for EntityType MenuItems, you click Knowledge Graph > Menus.

Is there an easy way to port this existing information from what I presume is a Listings content bucket into the main Knowledge Graph? I can export the data from the Menu tab and re-import it into the Knowledge Graph, but I don’t want to have two different sets of data to update.

Hey Nithin,

Unfortunately, we do not currently have a great solution to keep ECLs and entities in sync automatically. For the time being, if the client needs the data to be up to date for both Listings and Answers, the options would be to manually do so via export/upload, or to build out some custom automation on top of our APIs to keep the info in sync, which would require development work.

Longer term, we’re working towards ensuring that Listings can deliver entity content so that customers only need to manage this data in one place.
