Search Bar Integration Error with "pl" locale

We are integrating search experiences for 26 different locales, from all of those we have noticed so far that on “pl” there is an error in the Search Bar with the autocomplete. Universal Prompts show correctly when the input is empty, but when the user starts typing we get an error in Console (network request returns successfully). We have tested with other locales like “ko” having the same search and site configurations, but we only get the error with the “pl” locale.

Any idea what could be the issue?

Hey Alejandro,

This looks to be something on our side. We’ve raised further with our technical teams and will come back as soon as possible!


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Hey Alejandro,

After investigating internally - it looks like you will need to do the following in order to ensure this works properly on the site!

It appears you might be using an older version of answers-search-ui searchbar assets, which is likely causing the issue you are facing. Can you try upgrading to v1.5 of the searchbar assets?

This can be done by updating the scripts on the page to the following assets:

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Note that there is a pl- in front of the asset name for the language code. It does not appear that you are prepending the language code in front of the asset names for any of the locales. Since it looks like you are using the english assets to power search for non-english languages. This is not supported and may cause unexpected issues.
