Step 5: Maintain your Taxonomy Using Templates (Optional)

Now that your doctors have their specialties assigned, you may want to make changes to the taxonomy groupings or apply the taxonomy terms to new doctors. To lighten this burden, you have the option to download a set of entity templates that can be used to apply taxonomy terms to new doctors.

light bulb
You will need to push resources to your Yext account via CLI in order to complete the following steps. If you have not already set up the CLI on your computer, you can do so by following this guide – only completing Step 1 is necessary.
  1. Navigate to this Github repository.
  2. Click the green <> Code button and then select Download ZIP.
  3. On your computer, unzip the file and save the folder anywhere.
  4. Open up your command line interface (Command Prompt for Windows, Terminal for Mac).
  5. Run the following command: yext init
  6. If you have connected to your taxonomy account before, select Use existing credential and select the account that hosts taxonomy data. Otherwise, select Create new credentials and input the business ID for the account where you downloaded the taxonomy solution.
  7. You will need to authorize your account if you haven’t used the CLI recently. A window will pop up in your browser. Click Authorize.
  8. Return to the command line interface, and select Yes.
  9. Type in the following command: yext resources apply/filepath, replacing filepath with the file path where you saved your GitHub files in Step 3. For example, if you saved the resources in your Documents folder, type in yext resources apply /Documents/taxonomyEntityTemplates.
  10. When asked to confirm whether you’d like to add these resources to your account, select Yes.
  11. Close the CLI and open your Yext account once again.

You can now view your newly installed templates by navigating to Content > Configuration > Templates! Once you add a new doctor, apply the corresponding entity template to get all of their taxonomy terms.
