Analytics: Sparklines on Table Chart Insights (Fall '20 Release)

We’ve enhanced our Analytics insights to include the option for adding a sparkline to a column on table insights. A sparkline is a small line chart that provides a visual representation of data trends inline. Sparklines give you another way to view your performance, helping you to contextualize the metric values you are monitoring on your table insight. You can now add sparklines to any insight that is not dimensioned by day (as sparklines are already a metric by day). If you have Answers, you will automatically see sparklines enabled on your Answers Overview Screen Leaderboard Insights.

You can add a Sparkline to your table insight under the Advanced tab, in the new Sparkline section, where you can pick the column for the sparkline. Sparklines will be rendered immediately to the right of the selected column and will use the same time range you have set for the report or dashboard.

To learn more about adding sparklines, check out the Table Insight Customizations unit.

Hi! Would it be possible to enlarge the sparkline visuals?

@Susie_Xu Thanks for your question. Functionality to increase the size of sparklines is currently not available in the platform today.

How large were you thinking the sparklines should be and could you elaborate more on the issue you’re having today?


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