Rolling Average Review calculations


I am trying to understand how is calculated. I have pulled all historical reviews but it does not seem to be adding up to the average rating of all time. Is there certain considerations that are being used?

Thank you

Hi Sophie,

Perhaps this reference doc on Reviews Metrics is helpful. You might be looking for Average Rating instead of Rolling Average Rating.

Hi Kristy,

Thank you for sharing. I was trying to get more insight into the calculation for rolling review that we use, not the average. I have pulled the historical data, but calculating it does not give me the same results as the Yext metric for rolling review.

The rolling rating represents what the location’s overall rating was up until that point - it’s not the average rating of all reviews during a time period.

@Teddy_Riker can provide more context if you have any follow up questions!

Hi Kristy and @Teddy_Riker
Sorry can you elaborate on the difference?

I have just tried replicating this calculation for a location and the average review for the entire period was 4.73 whereas the rolling average for the entire period was 4.81. Should this be the same in this case?

Hi Sophie,

It’s possible that reviews were removed, or ratings have been updated by users for the reviews in the period you are calculating. The rolling rating is a snapshot of the rating at the given date, and it isn’t retroactively updated over time.

For example, it’s possible that the aggregate rating of a location between Jan 1 - Feb 1 was 4.81 on Feb 1, but when calculated at a later date (IE. March 1), the rating is 4.73.
