Search Backend Module 2 > Search Config Overview Module Assessment - Unable to navigate to the Configuration Labels screen

The challenge instructions mention changing the labels of deployment names in the Configuration Labels screen.

14. Navigate to the Configuration Labels screen. Set the PRODUCTION label to (1) and the STAGING label to LATEST. In the popup, click Yes, Update Configuration Label. This way all new changes are on the staging version. You want production to be on the default version until you fully test your changes.

Can anyone point me to where I can access the Configuration Labels screen? I cannot find any link to this page. The documentation in the course mentions that this can be found under the deployment section of the selected experience. I cannot find this section either.

Documentation in the course might be outdated and no longer matches the sandbox UI. If I’ve just missed seeing it, please let me know.

Hi @Raphael_Manuel

The Configuration Label information has been shared in Unite 2 of same module. For your convenient here is the URL Create and Edit the Search Config | Hitchhikers

I am aware of where in the module is the information regarding it located. The problem is, the location of the link to the Configuration Label screen being referred to by the module doesn’t seem to have said link.

It mentions that it should be under the Deployment section of the selected experience. Where is this deployment section?

Here is the sandbox and there is no deployment section. Or at least, I can’t find it.

Hi Raphael,

This looks like a bug. I started the challenge myself and was not able to recreate the issue. I see the typical left nav with the Configuration Versions screen mentioned in the instructions:

I’ll raise your account to our engineering team so they can take a look at what is going on. In the meantime, I’d recommend you restart the challenge so you can move forward with it. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.

@Kristy_Huang , thanks. It does appear to be a bug as I noticed that the issue only occurs in that challenge’s sandbox instance in my account. When I moved to another module’s sandbox, I learned that the missing elements I referred in this post as well as the Edit in JSON link I was looking for in my other post here were located in the same place as that of your screenshot.

Fortunately, I was able to complete this module as the challenge’s completion criteria didn’t require me to finish Step 14 and above.

Thanks for the responses.