Publishing, Integrating, and Next Steps | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Congratulations on building your Page Builder templates! The next part is getting your Pages live. Going live consists of four steps:

  1. Set up your domain
  2. Active your template
  3. Publish your pages
  4. Integrate with your website

Set Up Domain

These pages are intended to link out from your existing website and should live under the same domain as the rest of the site to ensure a seamless experience for your customers. In order to do this, you will need to choose your desired subdomain, and register it with your website’s DNS provider.

Yext-Hosted Subdomain

The Yext hosted domain is the default format for Page Builder pages. This integration path is simply the subdomain of your choosing. We recommend choosing a short and meaningful subdomain (e.g.,,,, or that helps users clearly distinguish between the different pages on your website.

  1. Click Pages in the navigation bar, then Domains.

  2. Click Add New Domain in the upper right. In the dialog box, select No for use with Answers, and the Subdomain integration method should be selected by default. Click Continue.

Select integration method modal

  1. Enter your desired domain. Per the above format, you will add the domain as If your main homepage is, you would add the domain as

Enter domain name

  1. Once you input your domain, you’ll be prompted to set up the bridge domain using a CNAME record:

Copy bridge domain

  1. Congratulations! You’ve added the domain. Once the CNAME record is configured, the DNS status will switch from “Pending” to “Active” (under Domains in the navigation bar).

DNS status pending

You will be able to publish as soon as the DNS Status switches to “Active” (meaning the CNAME is set up correctly).

DNS status active

Lastly, assign the domain to your Pages site.

Assign domain to template

Now you’re done setting up your domain!

Activate Your Template

Click “Activate” in the top right of the page. This will enable you to publish entities to the template and generate a live URL for each entity.

Activate template button

Publish Your Pages

Navigate back to the Knowledge Graph and select the entities that you’d like to publish. Then click the “More Actions” button and select “Add Services.” Simply step through the in-platform Wizard to assign your Pages licenses to your entities. Once you finish stepping through the Wizard, each entity will be published at a live, unique URL! You can always find the URL at the “Landing Page URL” field on the entity itself, or you can find it in the page template next to the “Preview URL” link we previously discussed.

Consider Integration

How will a user get to these pages from your website?

Think about how a user should land at your pages. For example, if you created a location page template, you are likely going to integrate the URLs into your existing Find a Location page.

Do you need to set up any redirects from previous pages?

If the Yext pages are replacing any previous web pages on your site, you may consider updating those links or implementing redirects to ensure that if a user is linked to an old URL that he/she is redirected to the new, Yext pages.

Post-Launch Analytics

Congrats on going live on Pages! Now you’ll want to quantify your Pages performance. Build reports to measure metrics to show value towards your KPIs. You can look at metrics such as Page Views, Sessions, clicks on Calls to Action, and the number of times a page has appeared or been clicked in a Google search results page.

light bulb
Want to learn more?
For more about measuring success in search and building reports in the platform, check out the Analytics track .