Theme 1.29 & SDK 1.14 (Spring '22 Release)

We are excited to announce our Answers Hitchhikers Theme 1.29 and Answers Search UI SDK 1.14!

This version includes breaking changes - all upgrades to Theme 1.29 or later must follow the upgrade implication instructions below. The breaking changes have been consolidated into this breaking changes post.


:spiral_calendar: Unless otherwise indicated, these features are available in Early Access in English. Here’s how to use the Early Access branches of the Theme and SDK! For the Spring '22 release, the theme branch name is early-access-spring-22 .

With the new Answers Hitchhikers Theme 1.29 and Answers Search UI SDK, we’ve added support for RTF truncation, custom autocomplete prompts, number facets, and more.

You can find the full list of features and bug fixes below, with additional details available in their linked Community posts.

New Features

Additional WCAG Updates

  • Collapsible Filters Tab Order: We’ve addressed an issue with the tab ordering for collapsible filters. This is a breaking change.
  • Move aria-expanded onto Search Input: We’ve adjusted the aria-expanded attribute on the search bar.

Bug Fixes

Looking to upgrade to this version? It is very important to read the following section for instructions and upgrade considerations.

To learn more about how to do a theme upgrade, check out the Upgrading Your Experience Theme and SDK module.

Upgrade Callouts

This version includes breaking changes - all upgrades to Theme 1.29 or later must follow the upgrade implication instructions below. The breaking changes have been consolidated into this breaking changes post.

We recommend reading the details within each update item post to understand this theme’s upgrade considerations. Implications will only apply for the following updates:

Support for RTF Truncation

In built-in theme cards that use ANSWERS.formatRichText, we have updated the showMoreDetails object to take in a new truncatedDetails property, so you will only get this property by default if you add these cards after upgrading to Theme 1.29 or later. If you want to use RTF truncation on a previously forked card or on a card you added RTF to, use truncatedDetails in place of showMoreLimit for the RTF card showMoreDetails.

Customize Autocomplete Prompts

There are several ways to set custom prompts, either through the theme or the SDK.

Number and Hierarchical Facets

  • Backend Answers Configuration: Add the new facets attribute to each vertical using one of three options to set number facet ranges. Set the field as a facet under searchableFields.
  • Frontend Answers Theme: Turn on facets how you normally would. If facets are already on for this vertical, no other changes need to be made. Note you must be on Theme 1.29 or higher to use this feature.
  • Turn on the Spring '22 Release: Answers Number Facets (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period. This feature will automatically be turned on for all accounts at General Availability for the Spring '22 Release.

Update universalLimit for Vertical Grid Templates

The new default universal limit of three will only be applied to net-new vertical-grid pages you add after you upgrade your theme. Feel free to customize this default or change the universal limit to this suggested default on existing pages by updating the universalLimit property in the config.json file for each vertical you want to change.

WCAG Update: Collapsible Filters Tab Order

This is a breaking change. Every vertical pages.html.hbs file in your experience must be refreshed.

WCAG Update: Move aria-expanded onto Search Input

If you wrote a custom template for the search bar component (or autocomplete or filtersearch), you’ll need to update it with the latest changes.

Fix Filter and Footer Collision

This is a breaking change. Every vertical pages.html.hbs file in your experience that uses either the vertical-standard or vertical-grid template must be refreshed.