Listing Statuses | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Yext Listings allows you to view the status of each of your listings right from your account. Below is an overview of each listing status type.

To view the status of your listings, click Listings in the navigation bar, then click All Listings or Events.

Location Listing Statuses

Tasks Pending

  • This status will display alongside an Identify Listings button for the first four hours after an entity is subscribed. During this time, you may manually confirm matches that Yext discovered. At the end of the four-hour period, Yext will take over to confirm the matches for you.
  • This status will also display alongside a Set up button for publisher sites that require you to link your account.


  • Yext is in the initial process of syncing the information from the platform to the publisher site.


  • Yext has connected to the listing and is successfully syncing your information.


  • Yext has submitted your information to the publisher site. Note, this status only applies to publishers that do not support Listing Sync.

Not Synced

  • Yext is unable to sync or submit information to the publisher site. To learn why a listing is Not Synced, check out the Status Details column.
  • This status may also display alongside an Identify Listings message for the first four hours after an entity is subscribed. During this time, you may manually confirm matches that Yext discovered. At the end of the four-hour period, Yext will take over to confirm the matches for you.

Opted Out

  • There is currently no connection between Yext and the publisher. You have the option to Opt In and restore the connection at any time.

Event Listing Statuses

Not Synced

  • The Event has not been created on the event publisher.

Not Synced, Sync in Progress

  • Yext is in the process of syncing the information from the platfrom to the event publisher.

Live, Updated in Progress

  • The Event has been created, and updates are in progress.


  • The event has been created and Yext has successfully synced the event information.

Not Available

  • The Event has not been created on the publisher, as the type of event is not supported.
  • For example, a webinar event is only available on Facebook and Eventbrite, so that event will be listed as ‘Not Available’ on all other publishers.