Knowledge Graph Data Dictionary | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Use these views as a resource for all of your Yext Knowledge Graph. You can view entities and their metadata, such as associated folders, entity labels, and profile field data. You can also view a log of both entity profile field and non-profile (e.g. folder) updates.

content data sharing tables



This view contains general information about each active entity associated with your business.

Column Data Type Description
entity_id NUMBER The immutable numeric internal UID for an entity
resource_name VARCHAR The external Entity ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for an entity defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the entity belongs to
entity_type_id NUMBER The immutable numeric identifier (UID) for the entity type
folder_id NUMBER The immutable numeric identifier (UID) for the folder the entity belongs to, if applicable
label_ids ARRAY An array containing the numeric identifier (UID) for all labels associated with the entity
label_names ARRAY An array containing the display names for all labels associated with the entity
created_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the entity’s creation
country VARCHAR The country associated with the entity

Sample Queries

Get all active entities for a given account.

    entity_id, -- The internal entity UID
    resource_name, -- The external entity ID
from content.entities  

Entity Types


This view contains general information about all of your entity types, including both internal and external IDs and display names.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the entity belongs to
entity_type_id NUMBER The immutable numeric internal UID for an entity
display_name VARCHAR The external-facing display name of the entity type, i.e. Locations
display_name_plural VARCHAR The plural form of the entity type display name, if applicable
resource_name VARCHAR The external Entity Type ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for an entity type defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)
description VARCHAR A user-defined description of the entity type

Sample Queries

Get all active entities for a given account and their types.

    entities.entity_id, -- The internal entity UID
    entities.resource_name as entity_resource_name, -- The external entity ID
    display_name as entity_type_name, -- The display name of the entity type
    entity_types.resource_name as entity_type_resource_name, -- The external entity type ID
from content.entities 
join content.entity_types using (business_id, entity_type_id)



This view contains general information about all of the labels associated with your active entities.

Column Data Type Description
label_id NUMBER The numeric identifier belonging to an entity label
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the label belongs to
name VARCHAR The external-facing label display name
internal BOOLEAN Whether the label is classified as internal-only
resource_name VARCHAR The external Label ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for a label defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)

Sample Queries

Get all active entities, their entity types, and their associated labels, if they exist.

    entities.entity_id, -- The internal entity UID
    entities.resource_name as entity_resource_name, -- The external entity ID
    display_name as entity_type_name, -- The display name of the entity type
    entity_types.resource_name as entity_type_resource_name, -- The external entity type ID
    name as label_display_name, -- The display name of the label
    labels.resource_name as label_resource_name, -- The label API name
from content.entities 
join content.entity_types using (business_id, entity_type_id)
join content.entity_labels 
    on (entities.business_id = entity_labels.business_id and entities.entity_id = entity_labels.entity_id)
join content.labels 
    on (entities.business_id = labels.business_id and entity_labels.label_id = labels.label_id)

Profile Field Data (All Time)


This view contains a full history of entity profile updates for all active entities associated with your business, at the profile level.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the entity belongs to
entity_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the entity that was updated
profile_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the entity profile that was updated.

An entity can have multiple profiles. It can have a primary profile and a secondary profile, for example.
profile_locale VARCHAR The locale of the profile. Examples include en, de, ja, etc.

Multilingual experiences typically will have one entity profile per locale. There may be different settings and product feature availability depending on locale
is_primary_profile BOOLEAN Whether the updated profile is the associated entity’s primary profile
field_id VARCHAR The alphanumeric identifier for the entity profile field that was updated
field_resource_name VARCHAR The external Field ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for a field defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)
field_raw_value VARIANT The raw input of the field update, only visible to internal users.

For instance, for an embedded ‘madlib’ field, such as “question”: “Restaurants near [[c_city]]“, the field_raw_value will contain “question”: “Restaurants near [[c_city]]”
field_rendered_value VARIANT The rendered field update value, visible to external users.

Using the above embedded field example, the field_rendered_value could be “question”: “Restaurants near Menlo Park”
updated_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp at which the update happened
operation_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for an update operation
operation_started_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp at which the update operation was started. Note that an operation can span multiple update requests
correlation_id VARCHAR The alphanumeric identifier of the activity that triggered the update
action VARCHAR The endpoint or update intention
event_type VARCHAR Categorization for the concrete profile actions.

Note: ENTITY_CREATED, ENTITY_DELETED, and FIELD_UPDATED event types will be moved to the entity_data_cdc view in the near future”
archived BOOLEAN Whether the entity profile associated with the field is archived.

This will always be TRUE - Yext Data Sharing does not include any archived entity profiles”
field_size NUMBER The raw size of the field, in bytes
truncated BOOLEAN Whether the raw or rendered field value is truncated

Sample Queries

Get a full history of an entity’s profile updates, for the primary entity profile.

    entities.entity_id, -- The internal entity UID
    entities.resource_name as entity_resource_name, -- The external entity ID
from content.profile_field_data_cdc
join content.entities using (entity_id, business_id)
where entity_id = 1234567
and is_primary_profile 
order by updated_timestamp desc

Get only the most recent version of a given entity’s primary profile. This is a more complex query that requires an inner query to fetch the most recent update for each field on the entity profile, because this view contains a full edit history of each field.

from content.profile_field_data_cdc
where profile_id not in 
        select profile_id 
        from content.profile_field_data_cdc 
        where archived
qualify row_number() over (partition by entity_id, profile_id, field_id order by updated_timestamp desc) = 1
and (field_id is null or field_rendered_value is not null)
and entity_id = 1234567
and is_primary_profile



This view contains general information about any folders, including nested folders.

Column Data Type Description
folder_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the folder
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the folder belongs to
name VARCHAR The external-facing folder display name
parent_folder_id NUMBER For nested folders, the unique internal-facing ID of the parent folder
resource_name VARCHAR The external Folder ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for a folder defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)
created_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp at which the folder was created

Sample Queries

Get all folders for a given account.

from content.folders

Get all entities that belong to a given folder.

from content.entities
join content.folders using (business_id, folder_id)
where folder_id = 123456

Non-Profile Entity Data


light bulb
This table is still in development

This view contains a full history of entity-level events for non-profile updates associated with all active entities associated with your business. Non-profile fields consist of categories, keywords and folders.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that the entity belongs to
entity_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the entity that was updated
field_id VARCHAR The alphanumeric identifier for the entity profile field that was updated
field_resource_name VARCHAR The external Field ID. This is the primary user-facing identifier for a field defined in Config-as-Code (CaC)
field_rendered_value VARIANT The rendered field update value, visible to external users.
updated_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp at which the field update was started
correlation_id VARCHAR The alphanumeric identifier of the activity that triggered the update
interface VARCHAR The system making the update
action VARCHAR The endpoint or update intention
event_type VARCHAR Categorization for the concrete profile actions (ENTITY_CREATED, ENTITY_DELETED, and FIELD_UPDATED)
archived BOOLEAN Whether the entity profile associated with the field is archived. This will always be TRUE - Yext Data Sharing does not include any archived entities