Listings (Legacy) Data Dictionary | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


The agg_google_my_business_location_daily and agg_google_my_business_metrics tables contain metrics that were deprecated by Google on March 30, 2023. Yext will keep the historical data, but from March 30th onwards, all of the data for the affected metrics will return zeroes.

To learn which metrics are affected, see our Google Metric Updates announcement documentation.

The schema is named legacy_listings because these are the legacy listings tables in Snowflake, not to be confused with the listings view, which is the schema for the new listings tables.

legacy listings data share tables

Activities Daily


This view contains various listings activity metrics, such as duplicate suppression and detection, new listings that went live, and publisher suggestions, aggregated by day.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date DATE The date
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Can be joined with the publishers table on the publisher_id column
publisher_suggestion_status VARCHAR The status of a publisher suggestion. Can be one of ACCEPTED, REJECTED, or NEW
listings_live_type VARCHAR Can be one of CREATED or CLAIMED. CREATED indicates a new listing created by a customer.

CLAIMED indicates an existing listing claimed by a customer.
publisher_suggestions NUMBER The count of publisher suggestions
social_posts NUMBER The count of social posts
duplicates_suppressed NUMBER The count of duplicates suppressed
duplicates_detected NUMBER The count of duplicates detected
listings_live NUMBER The count of new listings that went live
number_listings_updated NUMBER The count of listings that were updated

Sample Queries

Get the average of publisher suggestions from Google per entity in the past 7 days. First, we can use the publishers view to figure out which publisher ID corresponds to Google.

from prod_sharing.listings.publishers 
where resource_name like 'GOOGLE%'

The result of this query tells us that the publisher ID for Google is 715, so we can use that as a filter in our query on the agg_activities_daily table.

from prod_sharing.legacy_listings.agg_activities_daily 
where publisher_id = 715
and date > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)
group by 1,2 order by 2

Bing Searches


This view contains your business’s Bing search impressions by week.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
entity_type_id NUMBER The entity type ID. Join with the content.entity_types view to decode these
week TIMESTAMP_NTZ The week associated with the record. Yext receives data from Bing aggregated by week
serp_impressions NUMBER The count of Bing SERP impressions

Sample Queries

Get Bing searches for a given week.

    sum(serp_impressions) as bing_searches
from legacy_listings.agg_bing_weekly
join public.businesses using(business_id)
where week = 'yyyy-mm-dd'
  and week is not null
  and entity_id is not null
  and serp_impressions is not null
group by 1,2,3,4

Facebook Demographics


This view contains an aggregation of Facebook page impressions, views and engagement by day and user demographics.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date TIMESTAMP_NTZ The date associated with the record
gender VARCHAR Group of users by gender. Can be MALE, FEMALE, or UNIDENTIFIED
age VARCHAR Group of users by age
is_total BOOLEAN Indicates an aggregate row. Each entity has a single entry for each day where is_total is TRUE, which shows the aggregate data for the day
impressions NUMBER The count of Facebook page impressions
views NUMBER The count of Facebook page views
likes NUMBER The count of Facebook likes
checkins NUMBER The count of users who have checked into your business. This also includes people tagged with them
talking_about NUMBER Note: This column is always NULL in this view. To get talking_about data, use the agg_facebook_location_daily view.

The count of unique users who have interacted with your Facebook page.

For an interaction to be included in this total, it must result in a story being posted to the newsfeeds of those consumers’ friends

Sample Queries

Get Facebook check-ins, likes, and views on a particular day.

    sum(checkins) as checkins,
    sum(likes) as likes,
    sum(views) as views
from legacy_listings.agg_facebook_demographics_daily
join public.businesses using (business_id)
where is_total = true
and date between 'yyyy-mm-dd' and 'yyyy-mm-dd'
group by 1,2

Facebook Locations


This view contains Facebook page impressions, views and engagement by day, location, and additional dimensions such as impression_type, story_type, and cta.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date TIMESTAMP_NTZ The date associated with the record
gender VARCHAR Group of users by gender. Can be MALE, FEMALE, or UNIDENTIFIED
age VARCHAR Group of users by age
impression_type VARCHAR The type of impression. Can be PAID, ORGANIC, or VIRAL
story_type VARCHAR The type of Facebook story interaction specific to the Facebook Talking About metric
cta VARCHAR The unique identifier of the CTA, if applicable
is_total BOOLEAN Indicates an aggregate row. Each entity has a single entry for each day where is_total is TRUE, which shows the aggregate data for the day
impressions NUMBER The count of Facebook page impressions
post_impressions NUMBER The count of Facebook post impressions
talking_about NUMBER The count of unique users who have interacted with your Facebook page.

For an interaction to be included in this total, it must result in a story being posted to the newsfeeds of those consumers’ friends
clicks NUMBER The count of CTA clicks

Sample Queries

Get Facebook talking-about metrics, clicks, and impressions dimensioned by entity, date, and impression type.

    sum(talking_about) as talking_about,
    sum(clicks) as clicks,
    sum(impressions) as impressions
from legacy_listings.agg_facebook_location_daily
join public.businesses using (business_id)
where is_total = true
and date between 'yyyy-mm-dd' and 'yyyy-mm-dd'
group by 1,2,3

Google My Business Locations


This view contains the legacy Google My Business (GMB) metrics. The actions metric in this table is dimensioned by each individual Google metric type, such as website clicks or driving direction clicks. This means that for a given entity and day, you will see a separate row per metric type.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date TIMESTAMP_NTZ The date of the record
metric_type VARCHAR The type of GMB metric, e.g., ACTION_WEBSITE, ACTION_DRIVING_DIRECTIONS, etc.
actions NUMBER The count of actions for website or driving direction action types
phone_actions NUMBER The count of phone actions
map_views NUMBER The count of map views
search_views NUMBER The count of search views
queries NUMBER The count of queries, by query type

Sample Queries

Get a count of values for each Google metric type, dimensioned by metric type, for a given entity on a given date.

from legacy_listings.agg_google_my_business_location_daily 
where entity_id = 1234567
and date = 'yyyy-mm-dd'

Google My Business Metrics


This view contains the legacy Google My Business (GMB) metrics. Whereas agg_google_my_business_location_daily is dimensioned by GMB metric type, this view aggregates the values across all the Google actions types.

In other words, the actions column contains the sum of all website clicks, driving direction clicks, queries etc.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date TIMESTAMP_NTZ The date of the record
actions NUMBER The sum of all website and driving direction actions
phone_actions NUMBER The sum of phone actions
map_views NUMBER The sum of map views
search_views NUMBER The sum of search views
queries NUMBER The sum of all query types

Sample Queries

Get searches, Google map views, and Google search views dimensioned by day for the 30 days.

    sum(queries) as queries,
    sum(map_views) as map_views,
    sum(search_views) as search_views
from legacy_listings.agg_google_my_business_metrics
where date > dateadd(day, -31, 'yyyy-mm-dd' )
group by 1 order by 1 desc

Get searches, Google map views, and Google search views for a particular location on a given day.

    sum(queries) as queries,
    sum(map_views) as map_views,
    sum(search_views) as search_views
from legacy_listings.agg_google_my_business_metrics 
where entity_id = 1234567 
and date = 'yyyy-mm-dd'

Google User Generated Content Photos Daily


Use this view to query data for your Google UGC photos and how many views those photos have received over time, per entity.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date DATE The date of the record
photo_count NUMBER The count of Google UGC photos
photo_views NUMBER The cumulative, all-time count of views across photos

Sample Queries

Get the number of Google UGC photos and total photo views for a particular entity as of yesterday.

from prod_sharing.legacy_listings.agg_google_ugc_photos_daily 
where entity_id = 123456
and date > dateadd(day, -2, current_date)

Listings Live


This view indicates for a given entity, which publishers are live on that day. If an entity doesn’t have a listing live for that publisher on that day, then analytics wouldn’t be aggregated.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date DATE The date of the record
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Can be joined with the publishers table on the publisher_id column
live_count NUMBER The count of live listings for a given publisher and entity.

Sample Queries

Get the total number of live listings across all publishers and entities for a given date.

from prod_sharing.legacy_listings.agg_listings_live
where date = 'yyyy-mm-dd'

Location Daily


This view contains an aggregation of profile views and social engagement by day, at the entity level for all of the entities associated with your business.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
entity_type_id NUMBER The entity type ID
date TIMESTAMP_NTZ The date associated with the record
publisher_id NUMBER The UID for a publisher.
platform NUMBER The platform, or device. Can be one of:

4= BOT
serp_impressions NUMBER The count of publisher SERP impressions
profile_views NUMBER The count of entity profile views
special_offer_clicks NUMBER The count of featured message clicks
fb_likes NUMBER The count of Facebook likes
fb_were_here NUMBER The count of Facebook check-ins
fb_talking_about NUMBER The count of unique users who have interacted with your Facebook page.

For an interaction to be included in this total, it must result in a story being posted to the newsfeeds of those consumers’ friends.
widget_posts NUMBER The count of widget post views
widget_menus NUMBER The count of widget menu views
widget_bios NUMBER The count of widget bio views
widget_events NUMBER The count of widget event views
widget_products NUMBER The count of widget product views
widget_reviews NUMBER The count of widget review views
yelp_page_views NUMBER The count of Yelp page views
ticket_clicks NUMBER The count of clicks on a button that led a user to tickets

Sample Queries

Get profile views and SERP impressions by day, for the last 30 days.

    sum(profile_views) as profile_views,
    sum(serp_impressions) as serp_impressions
from legacy_listings.agg_location_daily
where date > dateadd(day, -30, current_date)
group by 1 order by 1 desc

Social Posts


Use this view to query data for all new social posts for a given entity, aggregated by day.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date DATE The date of the record
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Can be joined with the publishers table on the publisher_id column
count NUMBER The count of all new social posts

Sample Queries

Get the sum of new social posts for a given entity over the past 30 days.

    sum(count) as total_new_social_posts
from prod_sharing.legacy_listings.agg_social_posts 
where date > dateadd(day, -31, current_date)
and entity_id = 123456

Total Listings Impressions Daily


Use this view to query data for the total number of Listings impressions across all of the live publishers for a given entity, aggregated by day.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
entity_id NUMBER The UID for the entity
date DATE The date of the record
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Can be joined with the publishers table on the publisher_id column
impressions NUMBER The total count of impressions

Sample Queries

Get the total number of Google impressions by month for a given entity.

    date_trunc(month, date) as month,
from prod_sharing.legacy_listings.agg_total_listings_impressions_daily
where publisher_id = 715 
and entity_id = 1234567
group by 1 order by 1 desc