Listings Standard Insights | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

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Certain Standard Insights may contain visualizations that cannot be recreated identically within Report Builder.

Listings Overview

Chart Type: Table

Key metrics for your locations and listings: Locations, Listings Live, Listing Updates, Duplicates Suppressed, and Publisher Suggestions. The percentage change is from the previous period of the same length (e.g. last 30 days would use the previous 30 days for comparison). The period length is controlled by the date range selected for the dashboard.

Listings Overview table

Total Listings Clicks (LEGACY)

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Table

The number of times consumers interacted with your listing on Google and the broader network compared to the previous period and previous year.

Total Listings Clicks Table

Total Listings Clicks (Comparative Line Chart)

Chart Type: Line Chart

The number of times consumers interacted with your listing compared to the previous year.

Total Listings Clicks Line Chart

Total Listings Impressions (Table)

Chart Type: Table

The number of times your listing appeared in search results across Google Maps, Google Search, Bing, Facebook, and the broader network compared to the previous period and previous year.

Total Listings Impressions Table

Total Listings Impressions (Line Chart)

Chart Type: Line Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results across Google Maps, Google Search, Bing, Facebook, and the broader network compared to the previous year.

Total Listings Impressions Line Chart

Average Google Customer Actions by Day of Week

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart

The average number of times consumers took action from your Google listing, each day of the week. These actions include clicking the Call, Directions, or Website links. A phone call action occurs when a consumer clicks the phone number on a mobile device, regardless of whether the phone call was completed.

Average Google Customer Actions by Day of Week stacked bar chart

Google Customer Actions

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times consumers took action from your Google listing. These actions include clicking the Call, Directions, or Website links. A phone call action occurs when a consumer clicks the phone number on a mobile device, regardless of whether the phone call was completed.

Google Customer Actions Area Chart

Google Phone Calls by Hour

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Bar Chart

The number of times consumers clicked the Call link on your Google listing from a mobile device, broken down by the hour of the day (in the location’s time zone). This metric tracks when a consumer clicks the phone number on a mobile device, regardless of whether the phone call was completed. This insight always uses the last 90 days as the time period regardless of the date filter.

Google Phone Calls by Hour Bar Chart

Google Search Queries

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of search queries that lead to Discovery result (list of locations) and the number of search queries that resulted in a Direct result (a single location). In organic search a Discovery result displays as a Local Pack and a Direct result displays as a Knowledge Card.

Google Search Queries Area Chart

Google Search Queries by Weekday

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Bar Chart

The number of search queries that lead to Discovery result (list of locations) and the number of search queries that resulted in a Direct result (a single location) broken down by day of the week. In organic search a Discovery result displays as a Local Pack and a Direct result displays as a Knowledge Card.

Google Search Queries by Weekday Bar Chart

Google Views on Search and Maps

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results specifically on Google Search and Google Maps.

Google Views on Search and Maps Area Chart

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times consumers clicked on your Featured Message on any of our network sites that support clickable Featured Messages.

Feature Message Clicks Area Chart

Listing Profile Views

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times consumers viewed your full listings profile on any of our network sites. Does not include Google, Bing, or Yelp.

Listings Profile Views Area Chart

Listing Searches

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results on our network sites. Does not include searches on Google, Bing, Yelp or Facebook.

Listing Searches Area Chart

Listings Device Usage

Chart Type: Donut Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results on each device type (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or Unknown). Unknown is when we were unable to determine the device type. Device usage is pulled from a sample of network sites.

Listings Device Usage Donut Chart

Listings Device Usage by Weekday

Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results on each device type (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or Unknown), broken down by day of the week. Unknown is when we were unable to determine the device type. Device usage is pulled from a sample of network sites.

Listings Device Usage Stacked Bar Chart

Listings Device Usage Over Time

Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart

The number of times your listing appeared in search results on each device type (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or Unknown) and how this is changing over time. Unknown is when we were unable to determine the device type. Device usage is pulled from a sample of network sites.

Listings Device Usage Over Time

Listings Discoverability (LEGACY)

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Table

The number of times your listing was shown in a Google search.

Listings Discoverability Table

Listings Reach Over Time (LEGACY)

This insight is being removed on May 15, 2024.

Chart Type: Line Chart

The number of times your listings appeared in search results across Google Maps, Google Search, Bing, Facebook, and the broader network. Metrics are displayed on independent axes, so there is no overall scale in this insight. Bing is only displayed if the date range is at least 90 days.

Listings Reach Over Time Line Chart

Location Listings Overview

Chart Type: Table

The number of times your listings appeared in search results across Google Maps, Google Search, Bing, Facebook, and the broader network. The percentage change is from the previous period of the same length (e.g. last 30 days would use the previous 30 days for comparison).

Location Listings Overview Table

Google Listings Impressions by App

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times your listing appeared on Google Search and Google Maps.

Google Listings Impressions by App

Google Listings Actions by Week

Chart Type: Area Chart

The number of times consumers took action from your Google listing. These actions include clicking the links including Call, Directions, Website, etc. A phone call action occurs when a consumer clicks the phone number on a mobile device, regardless of whether the phone call was completed.

Google Listings Actions by Week

Google Search Term Impressions by Month

Chart Type: Line Chart

The number of times search keywords were used to find your business in Google Search or Google Maps per month.

Google Search Term Impressions by Month

Google Search Term Impressions

Chart Type: Table

The number of times search keywords were used to find your business in Google Search or Google Maps.

Google Search Term Impressions Table

Google Listings Impressions by Device Over Time

Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart

The number of times your listing appeared on Google Search and Google Maps on each device type per week.

Google Listings Impressions by Device Over Time

Google Listings Actions by Quarter

Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart

The number of times consumers took action from your Google listing. These actions include clicking the links including Call, Directions, Website, etc. A phone call action occurs when a consumer clicks the phone number on a mobile device, regardless of whether the phone call was completed.

Google Listings Actions by Quarter

Google Listings Impressions by Device

Chart Type: Donut Chart

The number of times your listing appeared on Google Search and Google Maps on each device type.

Google Listings Impressions by Device

Total Listings Impressions

Chart Type: Table

The number of times your listings appeared in search results across Google, Bing, Facebook, and the broader network. The percentage change is from the previous period of the same length (e.g. last 30 days would use the previous 30 days for comparison). The period length is controlled by the date range selected for the dashboard.

Total Listings Impressions

Google Search Term Impressions by Term Type

Chart Type: Donut Chart

The number of times search keywords were used to find your business in Google Search or Google Maps, by search term type. These can be either Branded or Unbranded terms.

Google Search Term Impressions by Term Type