Platform Data Dictionary | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Use these views to get a log of your Content Delivery and Management API requests, as well as other platform resource usage.

platform tables data dictionary diagram

API Requests


This view contains a log of all API requests for Management APIs. There is a 30-day lookback period for API requests, rather than the standard one year lookback for fact tables.

Column Data Type Description
subject_business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that is the subject of the API call.
app_business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that is the owner of the app making the request.

Keep in mind that the owner of the app and the subject of the API call may not always be the same account. For instance, a reseller may have an app created at the parent level making API requests for its child accounts.
uuid VARCHAR The unique ID associated with the request
request_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The time the request was made
app_id NUMBER The app associated with the request
endpoint_id NUMBER The ID of the API endpoint being accessed
version NUMBER The API version corresponding to the ‘v’ parameter specified in the request
request_url VARCHAR The URL of the request
method VARCHAR The HTTP method of the request
status_code NUMBER The status code of the response
request_headers OBJECT The headers of the request
request_body VARCHAR The body of the request
request_bytes NUMBER The size of the request, in bytes
duration_milliseconds NUMBER The duration of time required to process the request
response_headers OBJECT The headers of the response
response_body VARCHAR The body of the response
response_bytes NUMBER The size of the response, in bytes
is_truncated BOOLEAN Whether the log was truncated due to size constraints
errors ARRAY Any errors encountered while processing the request

Sample Queries

Get all Management API requests and associated metadata for the past seven days.

from platform.api_requests
where date(request_timestamp) > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)



This view contains information about your Yext developer apps. This can be used to decode the app_id column in other platform views.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account
app_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the app
display_name VARCHAR The app name
has_write_access BOOLEAN Whether the app has write permissions
directory_status VARCHAR Whether the app is published to the app directory. Can be one of PRIVATE, PUBLISHED, PUBLISHED_WITH_CHANGES, or SUBMITTED
is_internal BOOLEAN Whether the app is internal. Internal apps are not subject to API quota
receives_subaccount_webhooks BOOLEAN Whether the webhooks in a given app are configured to receive webhook events from any sub-accounts
distribution_intent VARCHAR Whether the app distribution intent is private (no distribution among other Yext accounts) or public on the Yext app directory

Sample Queries

Get all consumer API calls from the last 7 days, using the apps view to decode which apps made the requests.

from platform.consumer_api_requests
join platform.apps using (app_id)
where date(request_timestamp) > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)

Consumer API Requests


This view contains a log of all API requests for Content Delivery and other consumer-facing APIs. There is a 30-day lookback period for API requests.

Column Data Type Description
subject_business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that is the subject of the API call.
app_business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the account that is the owner of the app making the request.

Keep in mind that the owner of the app and the subject of the API call may not always be the same account. For instance, a reseller may have an app created at the parent level making API requests for its child accounts.
uuid VARCHAR The unique ID associated with the request
request_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The time the request was made
app_id NUMBER The app associated with the request
endpoint_id NUMBER The ID of the API endpoint being accessed
version NUMBER The API version corresponding to the ‘v’ parameter specified in the request
request_url VARCHAR The URL of the request
method VARCHAR The HTTP method of the request
status_code NUMBER The status code of the response
request_headers OBJECT The headers of the request
request_body VARCHAR The body of the request
request_bytes NUMBER The size of the request, in bytes
duration_milliseconds NUMBER The duration of time required to process the request
response_headers OBJECT The headers of the response
response_body VARCHAR The body of the response
response_bytes NUMBER The size of the response, in bytes
is_truncated BOOLEAN Whether the log was truncated due to size constraints
errors ARRAY Any errors encountered while processing the request

Sample Queries

Get all Content Delivery API requests that received a 404 status code for the past seven days.

from platform.consumer_api_requests
where date(request_timestamp) > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)
and status_code = 404



This view contains all Yext API endpoint IDs and their names, meant to be used for decoding the endpoint_ID column in other platform views.

Column Data Type Description
endpoint_id NUMBER The numeric identifier of the API endpoint
name VARCHAR The endpoint name

Sample Queries

Get a count of all Management API calls from the last 7 days by endpoint, using the endpoints view to decode which endpoints these requests were sent to.

from platform.api_requests
join platform.endpoints using (endpoint_id)
where date(request_timestamp) > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)
group by 1,2 order by 3 desc

Function Invocations


This view contains a log history of function invocations associated with plugins. It can be useful as an audit log for performance tracking purposes.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier of the account
plugin_external_id VARCHAR The plugin’s string identifier ($id)
invocation_id VARCHAR(26) The alphanumeric identifier of the invocation, which is an autogenerated ULID
invocation_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp at which the invocation began
function_name VARCHAR The name of the function invoked
argument_json VARIANT The JSON object passed into the function as an argument
argument_bytes NUMBER The size of the argument JSON object, in bytes
result_json VARIANT The JSON body of the result returned by the function
result_bytes NUMBER The size of the result JSON, in bytes
load_duration_milliseconds NUMBER The time spent loading the plugin, in milliseconds, or 0 if the plugin was already loaded
invoke_duration_milliseconds NUMBER The time it took for the function invocation to execute, in milliseconds
alloc_memory_mb NUMBER The amount of memory allocated to the plugin, in megabytes
logs ARRAY JSON array of log records
queue_duration_milliseconds NUMBER Time elapsed between the time the plugin is ready and executing the function, in milliseconds
tags OBJECT Additional key-values provided by the caller
disabled_logging ARRAY Specific plugin properties that are omitted from logging
caller_type VARCHAR The type of caller invoking the plugin, e.g. “CONNECTOR_SOURCE”
is_truncated BOOLEAN If true, indicates something was truncated to fit into a Kafka message
error OBJECT Structured value containing any errors while processing the request

Sample Queries

Get a log of all function invocations for a given plugin today. Add a where clause to filter the results to a given plugin ID.

        when error is not null then 'FAILED'
        else 'SUCCESS'
    end as status, -- Indicate whether an invocation succeeded or failed based on the error message
from logs.function_invocations 
join public.businesses using (business_id)
where plugin_external_id like '%somePluginName%'
and invocation_timestamp > current_date()
order by 3 desc;