Reviews Data Dictionary | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Use these views to track all the reviews coming in for your account and any responses you created for those reviews.

reviews data dictionary

Entity Reviews


This view contains general information about each review received by the account.

Column Data Type Description
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier of the account
desensitized BOOLEAN Indicates if content has been redacted due to reviews being deleted
entity_id NUMBER The numeric internal UID for the entity
review_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the review
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Join on listings.publishers.publisher_id to retrieve publisher name.
review_api_identifier VARCHAR A unique identifier used in API requests. One of:
* A UUID generated at the time the Review Creation request is accepted.
* The invitationUid, if the review is associated with an invitation.
rating FLOAT The star rating of the review, integer from 1 to 5
recommendation VARCHAR “Recommended” or “Not Recommended” (this only applies to Facebook Recommendations)
title VARCHAR The title of the review
content VARCHAR The content of the review
language VARCHAR The language code of the review. Examples include en, fr, es.
author_name VARCHAR The name of the person who left the review
author_email VARCHAR The email address of the person who left the review
labels ARRAY An ARRAY containing the internal ID and display names for all labels associated with the review
status VARCHAR The status of the review. Options are LIVE, QUARANTINED, and REMOVED
publisher_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ Date of the review on the publisher’s listing
url VARCHAR The URL of the review, or the URL of the listing where the review can be found if there is no specific URL for the review.
deidentification_status VARCHAR The status of deidentification for First Party, Healthcare Reviews. Options are COMPLETE, PENDING, INELIGIBLE, and UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE.
external_id VARCHAR A unique external identification NUMBER for each review.
last_event_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The last time the review was updated, including changes to labels, status, content, etc.

Sample Queries

Get all reviews for an account for the past seven days.

from reviews.entity_reviews
where date(publisher_timestamp) > dateadd(day, -8, current_date)

Review Comments


This view contains general information on all the responses left on your account’s reviews.

Column Data Type Description
author_name VARCHAR The name of the author of the response
author_role VARCHAR The role of the author of the response
business_id NUMBER The numeric identifier of the account
comment_id NUMBER The numeric identifier of the response
content VARCHAR The content of the review response
desensitized BOOLEAN Indicates if content has been redacted due to reviews being deleted
entity_id NUMBER The numeric internal UID for the entity
external_id VARCHAR A unique external identification NUMBER for each comment
last_event_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ The last time the response was updated, including content changes, status updates, etc.
parent_comment_id NUMBER If this comment is in response to another comment, this is the ID of the parent comment.
publisher_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for a publisher. Join on listings.publishers.publisher_id to retrieve publisher name.
publisher_timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ Date of the comment on the publisher’s listing
review_api_identifier VARCHAR A unique identifier used in API requests. One of:
* A UUID generated at the time the Review Creation request is accepted.
* The invitationUid, if the review is associated with an invitation.
review_id NUMBER The numeric identifier for the review
status VARCHAR The status of the review. Options are LIVE, QUARANTINED, and REMOVED

Sample Queries

Get all reviews for an account for the past seven days and include any review responses.

from reviews.entity_review_comments as responses
join reviews.entity_reviews as reviews
using (review_id)

Get all reviews for your business that do not have responses.

from reviews.entity_reviews as reviews
where not exists
  (select * from reviews.entity_review_comments as responses
    where reviews.review_id = responses.review_id)