Platform Basics | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Learn the basics of the Yext platform, including navigation, users, notifications, home screen, and more.

Core Competencies Gained

  • Knowledge of the basics of the Yext platform, including navigation, users, notifications, and home screens
  • Skills to set up the appropriate account settings, manage users, set up notifications, create folders/labels, and more
  • Create custom home screens, custom users, launch entities, and optimize your account settings
Get Started
9 modules 4 hours 1400 points
Practice Packs are available at the end of each track and can be used to review and solidify your learning. Each Practice Quiz consists of 4-6 questions from this track for you to review. Take one to maintain your quiz streaks! Having trouble passing? Click on the unit name next to the question to go back and review the material.
<% quiz.track == 'all' ? `All Tracks Practice` : `${quiz.track} Practice` %>
Daily Quiz Streak Daily Quiz Streak: 0
Quiz Accuracy Streak Quiz Accuracy Streak: 0
    Error Success Question <% index + 1 %> of <% quiz.questions.length %>From: <% question.unitTitle %>

    <% question.content %>

    <% question.code %>

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    You've already completed this quiz, so you can't earn more points.You completed this quiz in 1 attempt and earned 0 points! Feel free to review your answers and move on when you're ready.
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0 incorrect
9 modules 4 hours 1400 points