Site Settings | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


In the left navigation, navigate to the Settings sub-tab under your site. This page allows you to set various settings and metadata for the site. We’ll walk through each of the settings sections and call out any best practices to follow.

Site Settings

Basic Details

Basic  Settings

Site Name

The site name is only used internally to help you distinguish your sites from one another. You can change the site name here at any point in time.


View the domain currently being used to generate staging and production links. If no domain is set, the site will automatically generate a random domain so that your staging and production links still work until you are ready to set the domain you want to use for your live site. When editing the domain, you’ll have to choose from existing domains or create a new one through the add new domain modal.

Refer to our help article to learn how to add a domain to your account.

Username and Password

This username and password is used for all preview and staging links across your site (this does not apply for any production pages). When these values are omitted, no authentication is needed to view these links. We recommend setting a username/password to maintain the security and privacy of your non-production ready links.


To set up full authentication for your site (using password protection, OIDC, or Yext IDP), please refer to the following guides:

Repository Details

Basic  Settings

Here you can view the details of the Github repository the site is connected to, and reassign the repository if needed. For example, perhaps the developer who originally created the site created the repo in their personal GitHub account. If they’re not able to transfer ownership, you may want to clone the repo in another account and reassign that repo to the Yext site.

Note, if you are reassigning a different repository to your site, your historical deploys will have missing commit information (and appear in a warning state). However, your current production deploy will be unaffected, and you can continue to create deployments as usual.


The name of the GitHub repository that is used to power this site


An optional prefix for the resource ID of your site.


The internal resource ID for your Yext Site.

Production Branch

Each site may only have one production link - this is what is tied to your live site! As such, you can only set one branch as the production branch. Typically this is the main (some may use master). However, if you have a reason to publish a commit from another branch to production, you must first set that branch as the production branch here before you can publish it to production.

Branch Configuration

Tracked Branches

Basic Settings

Here you can select branches from your GitHub repository that you’d like to enable or disable deploys for. If you create a new branch in GitHub and would like to generate preview or staging links for it, you’ll have to first add it as a tracked branch here. Note you can have a staging link for each branch (the branch name is prepended to the staging domain), but only one production link across the site.

Un-checking a branch from this list will delete that branch and any deployments from your Yext Site in the platform only; for clarity, this will not delete the branch from your GitHub repository.

Branch Settings

branch settings

Clicking on the “Branch Settings” button on the right side opens up the following settings available on a per-branch basis:

  • Branch Environment Variables
    • Add key/value pairs here.
  • Access Controls
    • Use this to control which IP addresses
  • Refresh Schema
    • This button should be used whenever you update the option values for your single or multi-option select custom fields.
    • For example, if you update a choice from “Checking Accounts” to “Checking and Savings Accounts”, you must click this button in order to see the “Checking and Savings Accounts” value in your Stream documents.

Deploy Settings

Basic  Settings

The deploy settings determine what steps of the deployment process are automatically pushed. Select your desired settings to best suit your workflow.

Auto-Deploy New Commits

This setting is turned on by default. This means that the deployment process will be kicked off for any new commits to tracked branches.

This allows you to quickly grab a preview link for that version of your site. Keep in mind that each site has a limit of five active preview links at a time, across all branches. You can always go back to a previous commit and redeploy it if you’d like to generate a preview link.

Auto-Stage New Deploys

This setting is turned on by default. Pages automatically stages the most recent deploy for each branch. This ensures anyone with the staging link will have the latest working version of your site.

Auto-Publish New Deploys

This setting is turned off by default. Turning this on will auto-publish any new deploys to production.

We recommend keeping this setting turned off. If your site is live, it is best practice not to automatically publish new changes to production. You may mistakenly push a change that is not fully tested or approved yet. Even if your site is not yet live, it is best to manually publish to production only once a commit has been fully tested and approved.

Basic  Settings

Environment Variables

environment variables

The environment variables section allows you to define environment variables that are accessible site-wide, across all of your branches. Branch-level environment variables can be configured in the Branch Configuration section, referenced in a previous section.

Notifications Page

On the Notification sub-tab (separate from the Settings sub-tab), you can also configure deploy notifications to stay up-to-date with your deploy activity from outside the platform. Follow this help article for steps to add Pages notifications.
