Google Merchant Center | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


Use the Google Merchant Center source to pull products from your Google Merchant Center account into Yext.

This source uses the Google API endpoints to Fetch Products.


The Google Merchant Center source requires an input to determine your Merchant ID. You can find this id in your Google Merchant Center URL as well as in the navigation bar of your Google Merchant Center account. You must also link your Google account to Yext as detailed below.


Google Merchant Center requires OAuth 2.0 for authentication.

There are two ways to link your Google Merchant account to Yext:

  1. While creating your Connector (under Knowledge Graph > Connectors > New Connector > Google Merchant Center)
  2. In Knowledge Graph Configuration (Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Linked Accounts > Google)


The Google Merchant Center source requires the following scope for Read/Write access:


Google Merchant Center utilizes cursor pagination.

Cursor next_page_token
Detect Cursor In Response Body
Cursor Type Token

Limits & Other Info


  1. additionalSizeType
  2. adsRedirectUrl
  3. canonicalLink
  4. channel
  5. displayAdsId
  6. displayAdsLink
  7. displayAdsSimilarIds[]
  8. displayAdsTitle
  9. displayAdsValue
  10. energyEfficiencyClass
  11. excludedDestinations
  12. googleProductCategory
  13. identifierExists
  14. includedDestinations
  15. itemGroupId
  16. maximumEnergyEfficiencyClass
  17. minimumEnergyEfficiencyClass
  18. overrideShipping
  20. overrideShipping.locationGroupName
  21. overrideShipping.locationId
  22. overrideShipping.maxHandlingTime
  23. overrideShipping.maxTransitTime
  24. overrideShipping.minHandlingTime
  25. overrideShipping.minTransitTime
  26. overrideShipping.postalCode
  27. overrideShipping.price
  28. overrideShipping.price.currency
  29. overrideShipping.price.value
  30. overrideShipping.region
  31. overrideShipping.service
  32. pickupMethod
  33. promotionIds[]
  34. salePrice.currency
  35. salePrice.value
  36. salePriceEffectiveDate
  37. shippingLabel
  38. shoppingAdsExcludedCountries[]
  39. shoppingAdsLabels[]
  40. sizes[]
  41. targetCountry
  43. taxes.locationId
  44. taxes.postalCode
  45. taxes.rate
  46. taxes.region
  47. taxCategoryLabel
  48. taxOverride
  49. transitTimelabel

Rate Limits

This source has a request-based rate limit of 60,000 requests per minute and 20,000,000 requests per day. See Google’s documentation for more information.