Hours Field Mapping | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

The Hours and Holiday Hours fields can accept data in a variety of formats. Select the appropriate mapping settings based on the format of your ingested data.

Hours Field

To map to business hours for each day of the week using the Hours field, provide data in one of the following two formats: Time or API format.

Time Format

Data is formatted in a single column for each day of the week, specifying the entire set of hours intervals or marking the business as closed.

Example formatting:

Entity ID Hours > Monday Hours > Tuesday Hours > Wednesday Hours > Thursday Hours > Friday Hours > Saturday Hours > Sunday
1 10am-12pm, 3-5 closed 10:00-5:00 24hr 10am-5pm 1pm-4pm 10-1, 2-4
2 closed 12-1, 2-3 x closed 9-12 9-5pm x
3 09:00-17:00 10:00:00-12:00:00, 13:00:00-14:00:00 closed 8-10, 11-4 9-5 24hr closed

API Format

Data is formatted in multiple columns for each day of the week. This format requires separate columns for an opening (start) time, closing (end) time for each time interval, and designation of isClosed as true or false.

Below is an example for business hours for Monday (these mappings would need to be repeated for each day of the week):

Entity ID Hours > Monday > Open Intervals [0] > Start Hours > Monday > Open Intervals [0] > End Hours > Monday > Open Intervals [1] > Start Hours > Monday > Open Intervals [1] > End Hours > Monday > isClosed
1 10am 12pm 3p 5p false
2 true
3 9:00:00 5:00:00 false

Holiday Hours Field

To map to the Holiday Hours field, provide data in one of the following three formats: Combined Date and Time, Separated Date and Time, or Separated API format.

Combined Date and Time

Data is formatted so that a date and its associated time intervals (or marking the business as “closed”) are contained in a single column. You can choose to list multiple dates in a single column, or have a separate column for each date.

If you choose to format multiple days in a single column, and each day has multiple intervals, you will need to separate each day within the column using a delimiter other than a comma (e.g., a vertical pipe |).

Example of multiple dates and times listed in a single column:

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours
1 2024-12-22: 3pm-7pm, 2024-12-23: closed, 2024-12-24: 10:00-12:00
2 2024-12-22: 3pm-7pm, 9pm-10pm l 2024-12-23: closed l 2024-12-24: 10:00-12:00

Example of combined dates and times where each date is listed in its own column:

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours [0] Hours > Holiday Hours [1] Hours > Holiday Hours [2]
1 2024-12-22: 3pm-7pm, 9pm-10pm 2024-12-23: closed 2024-12-24: 10:00-12:00pm

Separated Date and Time

Data is formatted so that dates and times are in their own separate columns. A single column can contain multiple dates or multiple time intervals, but dates and times cannot be listed in the same column.

Columns that list time intervals can also mark a business as closed or as operating on regular hours.

If you choose to format multiple date in a single column, and each date has multiple intervals, you will need to separate each date within the column using a delimiter other than a comma (e.g., a vertical pipe |).

Example of separated holiday hours where each date has its own column:

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Date Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Time Hours > Holiday Hours[1] > Date Hours > Holiday Hours[1] > Time Hours > Holiday Hours[2] > Date Hours > Holiday Hours[2] > Time
1 2024-12-22 3:00pm-7:00pm, 9:00pm-10:00pm 2024-12-23 closed 2024-12-24 10:00-12:00
2 2024-12-22 closed 2024-12-23 9am-5pm 2024-12-24 x
3 2024-12-22 Regular hours 2024-12-23 closed 2024-12-24 closed

Example of separated holiday hours where multiple dates are listed in the same column:

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours > Date Hours > Holiday Hours > Time
1 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 3:00pm-7:00pm, 9:00pm-10:00pm l closed, 10:00-12:00
2 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 Closed, 9am-5pm, x
3 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 Regular hours, closed, closed

Separated API Format

Data is formatted so that there are separate columns for the date, an opening (start) time, closing (end) time, and designation of isClosed and isRegularHours as true or false.

If a date has multiple time intervals, those intervals can be separated into individual columns or combined in one column.

Example with a single date and time interval per column:

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Date Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Open Intervals [0] > Start Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Open Intervals [0] > End Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Open Intervals [1] > Start Hours > Holiday Hours [0]> Open Intervals [1] > End Hours > Holiday Hours[0] > Is Closed Hours > Holiday Hours >[0] Is Regular Hours
1 2024-12-22 3:00pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm false false
2 2024-12-22 true false
3 2024-12-22 false true

Example with multiple dates in one column (note: set ClearIfBlank = TRUE for all columns):

Entity ID Hours > Holiday Hours > Date Hours > Holiday Hours > Open Intervals [0] > Start Hours > Holiday Hours > Open Intervals [0] > End Hours > Holiday Hours > Open Intervals [1] > Start Hours > Holiday Hours > Open Intervals [1] > End Hours > Holiday Hours > Is Closed Hours > Holiday Hours > Is Regular Hours
1 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 3:00pm,,10:00 7:00pm,,12:00 9:00pm,, 10:00pm,, false,true,false false,false,false
2 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 ,9am, ,5pm, true,false,true false,false,false
3 2024-12-22,2024-12-23,2024-12-24 ,, ,, ,, ,, false,true,true true,false,false

Accepted Date and Time Formats


Dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2024-12-22).



  • Periods can be substituted for colons (e.g., 13:00 and 13.00)
  • Spaces are ignored (e.g., 1:00pm and 1:00 pm)
  • Not case-sensitive (e.g., 1:00pm, 1:00PM, Closed, regular hours)

Supported Not Supported
1pm 1 (this would be understood as 1am)
1p 1:00 (this would be understood as 1am)
closed, x isClosed
regular hours, null/blank value regular
24hr, 24h, 00:00-23:59 24hrs, 24 hours, all day