HubSpot | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


Use the HubSpot source to pull tickets, blogs, website pages, or custom objects from your HubSpot account into Yext.


This source uses the HubSpot APIs for these operations:

  1. List Ticket Properties: Fetch tickets from your HubSpot account
  2. List Blogs Properties: Fetch blog posts from your HubSpot account
  3. List Website Pages Properties: Fetch website pages from your HubSpot account
  4. List Custom Objects Properties: Fetch custom objects from your HubSpot account


To use the HubSpot source, link your HubSpot account to the Yext platform by navigating to Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Linked Accounts.

Select the appropriate scopes for the operation:

  • Fetch Tickets: tickets
  • Fetch Blogs: content
  • Fetch Website Pages: content
  • Fetch Custom Objects:

The metadata for each content type will be part of the response and extracted from the results object.


This source requires OAuth.


HubSpot APIs utilize cursor pagination.

Detect Cursor In Response Body
Cursor Type Full URL