Skilljar | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


Use the Skilljar source to bring your Courses and Lessons data into Yext.


This source uses the Skilljar API for the following operations:

  1. Fetch Courses
  2. Fetch Lessons


To use this source, you are required to input your Skilljar API key and domain name.

API keys can be generated in Skilljar. This must be done by an admin on the Skilljar account. Navigate to Organization Settings > API Credentials > Create a Key. For support, follow Skilljar’s help resource.

The Skilljar domain will simply be the domain name in the URL of your Skilljar site — for example, Refer to the URL of your Skilljar site for the domain.


Skilljar utilizes a form of basic authentication, using the API key generated in the steps above. Skilljar only requires users to pass their API Key through the HTTP header as the username. A password is not required and can be left blank.


Skilljar utilizes cursor-based pagination. By default, Skilljar returns 100 results per page.

Cursor next
Page Start Value 0
Detect Cursor In Response Body
Cursor Type Full URL

Limits and Other Info

Skilljar enforces the following rate limits:

  • Burst rates up to 600 API calls/minute
  • Hourly rate up to 5,000 API calls/hour