X (Formerly Twitter) | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


Use the X native source (formerly Twitter) to list the most recent posts composed by a specified user ID.

This documentation reflects the current state of the X API documentation, which still makes references to Twitter and “tweets.”


This source uses the Twitter API timeline endpoints to Fetch Tweets.


You are required to provide the user ID associated with your X account. This can be found using a number of third-party Handle-to-ID converters online, such as TweeterID.

You will need at least Basic tier access to fetch tweets.


You can authenticate via Bearer Token. You can obtain a Bearer Token from the Twitter developer portal inside the Keys and Tokens section of your app’s settings.


X utilizes cursor pagination.

Cursor meta.next_token
Cursor Type TOKEN
Detect Cursor In Response Body

Limits and Other Info


This operation does not include the user’s retweets.

Query Parameters

This operation includes multiple query parameters for fields and filtering the data. The parameters included are as follows:

  • Media.fields = preview_image_url,url
  • Tweet.fields = created_at,referenced_tweets,text,public_metrics,author_id,source,possibly_sensitive
  • User.fields = profile_image_url,name,username,verified
  • Expansions = author_id,attachments.media_keys
  • Exclude = retweets