Yext Account | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


Use the Yext Account source to convert your ECLs to entities, fetch entities from another Yext account, or add analytics metrics to your entities.

This source allows users to fetch data from multiple Yext API endpoints to:

  1. Fetch Menu ECLs
  2. Fetch Menu Items
  3. Fetch Menu Items from One Menu
  4. Fetch Bio ECLs
  5. Fetch Product ECLs
  6. Fetch Entities
  7. Fetch Analytics
  8. Fetch Content Endpoints

Fetch Menu ECLs

This operation uses the Menu ECL endpoint to fetch menus.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, and Environment.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Offset Key offset
Offset Start Value 0
Limit Key limit
Limit Value 50
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


  • currency
  • id
  • accountId
  • name
  • title
  • size
  • publish
  • language
  • sections[].id
  • sections[].name
  • sections[].items[].cost.type
  • sections[].items[].cost.price
  • sections[].items[].cost.options[].name
  • sections[].items[].cost.options[].price
  • sections[].items[].photo.url
  • sections[].items[].photo.height
  • sections[].items[].photo.width
  • sections[].items[].id
  • sections[].items[].name
  • sections[].items[].description
  • sections[].items[].calories.type
  • sections[].items[].calories.calorie
  • sections[].items[].calories.rangeTo
  • sections[].description
  • sections[].items[].featured
  • sections[].items[].cost.other
  • sections[].items[].cost.rangeTo

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Menu Items

This operation uses the Menu ECL endpoints and uses the items array as the base selector response.menus[].sections[].items[] for a list of menu items.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, and Environment.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Offset Key offset
Offset Start Value 0
Limit Key limit
Limit Value 50
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


  • cost.type
  • cost.price
  • cost.options[].name
  • cost.options[].price
  • photo.url
  • photo.height
  • photo.width
  • id
  • name
  • description
  • calories.type
  • calories.calorie

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Menu Items from One Menu

This operation uses the Menu ECL: Get Menu endpoint to fetch items from a given menu, and uses the items array as the base selector response.sections[].items[] for a list of menu items.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, Environment, and Menu List ID.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.

Include the Menu List ID of the menu whose items you would like to pull. This can be found by exporting your menu either via API or from within the UI and using the Menu List ID field in the export.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Offset Key offset
Offset Start Value 0
Limit Key limit
Limit Value 50
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


  • cost.type
  • cost.price
  • cost.options[].name
  • cost.options[].price
  • photo.url
  • photo.height
  • photo.width
  • id
  • name
  • description
  • calories.type
  • calories.calorie

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Bio ECLs

This operation uses the Bio ECL endpoint to fetch bios.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, and Environment.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Offset Key offset
Offset Start Value 0
Limit Key limit
Limit Value 10
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


  • currency
  • id
  • accountId
  • name
  • title
  • size
  • publish
  • language
  • sections[].id
  • sections[].name
  • sections[].description
  • sections[].items[].cost.type
  • sections[].items[].cost.price
  • sections[].items[].photos
  • sections[].items[].id
  • sections[].items[].name
  • sections[].items[].description

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Product ECLs

This operation uses the Product ECL endpoint to fetch products.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, and Environment.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Offset Key offset
Offset Start Value 0
Limit Key limit
Limit Value 10
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


  • id
  • accountId
  • name
  • title
  • size
  • publish
  • language
  • sections[].id
  • sections[].name
  • sections[].items[].title
  • sections[].items[].photo.url
  • sections[].items[].photo.height
  • sections[].items[].education
  • sections[].items[].certifications
  • sections[].items[].services
  • sections[].items[].phone
  • sections[].items[].email
  • sections[].items[].id
  • sections[].items[].name
  • sections[].items[].description
  • sections[].items[].photo.alternateText
  • sections[].items
  • sections[].items[].url

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Entities

This operation uses the Entities: List endpoint to fetch entities of any type from another Yext account.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, Environment, and entity type.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.

Be sure to include the API name of the entity type, e.g., healthcareProfessional for Healthcare Professionals, or ce_shirts if you created a custom entity type called “Shirts.”


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Entities: Read-only API permissions.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Cursor Type token
Page Key pageToken
Detect Cursor In Response Body
Cursor response.pageToken
Total Items Key response.count
Total Items Key In Response Body


The fields returned will depend on the chosen entity type, as well as the custom fields added to the entity type.

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 5,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Analytics

This operation uses the Analytics Report endpoint to fetch analytics from another Yext account.


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, and Environment. You must also input metrics and dimensions to fetch analytics data.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.

When specifying your metrics and dimensions, make sure you use the correct API name. See the Conversion Tracking Metrics reference for API names for metrics, and the Dimensions in Analytics help article for API names for dimensions.

You will most likely want to choose ENTITY_IDS as your dimension so that the connector knows which entity to add your analytics values to.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Management API > Analytics: Read-only API permissions.


The Fetch Analytics operation does not use pagination, as the results are all returned in one page.


The fields returned will depend on the chosen metric.

Limits and Other Info

This endpoint has a rate limit of 1,000 requests per hour.

Fetch Content Endpoint Data

This operation fetches entity data from a custom Content endpoint .


You are required to input a Yext API key, V Param, Environment, and Content Endpoint ID.

Your V Param should be today’s date, in the format YYYYMMDD. The environment input should be api if you’re pulling from a production account, and sandbox if you’re pulling from a sandbox account.

Your Content Endpoint ID can be found in the settings of your Content Endpoint.


You can generate an API Key on any account by navigating to the Developer Console and adding a new app. Make sure that the app has Content Delivery API > Content API permissions. Read-only is the only applicable scope.


The pagination settings for this operation are below:

Cursor Type token
Page Key pageToken
Detect Cursor In Response Body
Cursor response.pageToken


The fields returned will depend on the fields configured in the Content endpoint.

Limits and Other Info

This operation does not allow for filtering on an indexed field. To filter on indexed fields, use the Pull from API source instead of the Yext Account source.