Result Cards | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Cards are used in universal/vertical results for configuring the UI for a result on a per-item basis. Each item is rendered as a Card.

Below are details on the built-in card configurations.

Built-In Card Configuration

Cards have three properties: cardType, dataMappings and callsToAction.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  container: '.vertical-results-container',
  card: {
    cardType: 'Standard',
    dataMappings: () => {},
    callsToAction: () => []
  //other properties here


cardType accepts a string and defines which card type you’d like to use. There are three options: Standard, Accordion, and Legacy, all of which are shown at the bottom of this page.


The dataMappings option define how a card’s attributes, such as title and details, will be rendered. More information can be found in the Data Mapping section next.


Calls to Action (CTAs) are the key actions of a result card. See the Calls To Action section below for more information.

Card Data Mapping

The dataMappings option define how a card’s attributes, such as title and details, will be rendered. It accepts either:

  1. A function that accepts the result item from the API and returns a dataMappings object.
  2. A static dataMappings object. Each attribute of a dataMappings object is also either a function or a static value.


Below is an example of dataMappings as function.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    dataMappings: item => ({
      subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
      details: item.description,
      image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
      url: '',
      showMoreLimit: 500,
      showMoreText: "show more",
      showLessText: "put it back",
      target: '_blank'
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

And below is an example of dataMappings as an object with functions inside it. You can use both static attributes and function attributes together.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    dataMappings: {
      title: item =>,
      subtitle: item => `Department: ${} `,
      details: item => item.description,
      image: item => item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
      url: '',
      showMoreLimit: 500,
      showMoreText: 'show more',
      showLessText: 'put it back',
      target: '_blank'
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

Each cardtype has standard attributes that it expects in the returned dataMappings object. You can read more about these in the Built-In Cards section below.

Card Calls To Action

Calls to Action (CTAs) are the key actions of a result card. In the example below each card has two CTAs, Call and Directions.

Card CTAs (call, directions)

CTAs provide a visual button in the card and also record analytics events to make it easier to understand user bevhavior.

Note: A CTA without both a label and link will not be rendered.

Adding CTAs to Cards

callsToActions are added to the card object like so:

ANSWERS.addComponent("VerticalResults", {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    callsToAction: (item) => [
        label: (item) =>,
        url: "",
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

Static List of CTAs

The easiest way to specify CTAs is as an array of objects. Every CTA must have a label, url, analyticsEventType and eventOptions. (See below for more information on eventOptions.)

const callsToAction = [
    label: "cta label",
    icon: "star",
    url: "",
    analyticsEventType: "CTA_CLICK",
    target: "_blank",
    eventOptions: (result) => {
      return {
        verticalKey: "people",
        searcher: "VERTICAL",

If you want to use content from the item (e.g. the URL) to populate the CTA, you can return a function to any of the properties. In this example we are setting the label and URL to properties from the item.

const callsToAction = (item) => [
    label: (item) =>,
    url: (item) => item.url,
    analyticsEventType: "CTA_CLICK",
    target: "_self",
    icon: "briefcase",
    eventOptions: (item) =>
				"verticalKey": "credit-cards", 
				"entityId": "${}", 
				"ctaLabel": "cards"

Dynamic List of CTAs

If you want to vary the types of CTAs by card, you can return a function to this property instead of a static array. This function should return an array, but it could vary its length or contents based on the item.

const callsToAction = (item) => [
    url: "",
    analyticsEventType: "CTA_CLICK",
    target: "_blank",
    icon: "briefcase",
    eventOptions: `{ 
			"verticalKey": "credit-cards", 
			"entityId": "${}", 
			"ctaLabel": "cards"
    label: "call now",
    url: "",
    analyticsEventType: "CTA_CLICK",
    target: "_blank",
    icon: "phone",
    eventOptions: `{
			"verticalKey": "credit-cards", 
			"entityId": "${}", 
			"ctaLabel": "cards"}


In order for a click to a CTA to register in Answers Analytics, you’ll need to set the eventOptions attribute on the CTA. This attribute should return either a valid json string or an object.

Format Event Options as a valid JSON string

eventOptions: `{
  "verticalKey": "credit-cards", 
  "entityId": "${}", 
  "ctaLabel": "buy" 

Event Options as an Object

  eventOptions: result => {
    return {
      verticalKey: 'people',
      searcher: 'VERTICAL'


  • verticalKey: The vertical key for the CTA. If unspecified, it will default to the vertical of the card on which this CTA is placed (either from VerticalResults or UniversalResults).
  • entityId: The entity ID for the card on which this CTA is placed. If unspecified, it will default to the entityId field in platform
  • searcher: VERTICAL or UNIVERSAL. If the CTA is on a card inside a vertical search, it will default to the VERTICAL. If it’s on a card inside a universal search, it will default to UNIVERSAL.
  • ctaLabel: An optional additional label sent with the analytics request. For example, if you had two CTAs on a card, one that was “Buy Now” and the other that was “Get Directions”, you might add the CTA labels “Buy” and “Directions”, respectively.

Data Formatting

Rich Text Formatting

The Yext platform comes with rich text fields; these are fields that allow for bolding, italics, hyperlinks, and more! The Search UI SDK includes a formatRichText function translates CommonMark to HTML, therefore allowing for rich text to be displayed on a card.


ANSWERS.formatRichText(rtfFieldValue, eventOptionsFieldName = null, targetConfig = '')
  • rtfFieldValue is the field reference (for example item.c_myRichTextField)
  • eventOptionsFieldName. When clicking any link in the resulting HTML, an analytics event will be fired. If the eventOptionsFieldName has been specified, the eventOption will include a fieldName attribute with the given value.
  • targetConfig dictates where the link is opened: the current window, a new tab, etc. It can have either be a string or an object
    • targetConfig = '_blank' - all RTF types will recieve a _blank target
    • targetConfig = { url: '_blank', phone: '_self', email: '_parent' } - each type of RTF receives a different target

Note that when using this function, you must ensure that the relevant template correctly unescapes the output HTML.


In this example, rich text formatting is used on the details field for the FAQ.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
    card: {
        cardType: 'Accordion',
        dataMappings: {
            title: (item) =>,
            link: (item) => item.landingPageUrl,
            details: (item) => ANSWERS.formatRichText(item.answer, 'answer', '_self'),               
            url: (item) => item.landingPageUrl,
            target: "_self"

Text Highlighting

You can optionally display highlighted fields in your card data mappings. A field becomes highlighted when it’s has either either a keyword search match or a document search match. The _highlighted object, will return the field highlighted with strong tags. You can accesss it in a custom item template.

this.addComponent("VerticalResults", {
    container: ".vertical-container",
    verticalKey: "locations",
    itemTemplate: `<div>
        {{#if result._highlighted.description}}
            {{{ result._highlighted.description }}}

This will display the text highlighting for the description field only when it returns, otherwise it will display the raw value.

Built-in Cards

Standard Card

The data mappings for a standard card has these attributes:

const dataMappings = (item) => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Image to display, defaults to null
    image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : "",
    // Url for the title/subtitle, defaults to the entity's website url
    // Note, a protocol like is required, as opposed to just
    url: ||,
    // Character limit to hide remaining details and display a show more button, defaults to 350
    showMoreLimit: 350,
    // Text for show more button, defaults to 'Show More'
    showMoreText: "show more",
    // Text for show less button, defaults to 'Show Less'
    showLessText: "put it back",
    // The target attribute for the title link, defaults to '_self'. To open in a new window use '_blank'
    target: "_blank",
    // Whether to show the ordinal of this card in the results, i.e. first card is 1 second card is 2,
    // defaults to false
    showOrdinal: false,
    // A tag to display on top of an image, always overlays the image, default no tag
    tagLabel: "On Sale!",

Accordion Card

The data mappings for an accordion card has these attributes:

const dataMappings = (item) => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Whether the first Accordion Card shown in vertical/universal results should be open on page load, defaults to false
    expanded: false,

Legacy Card

The Legacy Card is very similar to the Standard Card, but with the legacy DOM structure and class names from before v0.13.0. New users should not use the Legacy Card; instead, use the Standard Card.

The data mappings for a legacy card has these attributes:

const dataMappings = (item) => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Image to display, defaults to null
    image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : "",
    // Url for the title/subtitle, defaults to the entity's website url
    url: ||,
    // The target attribute for the title link, defaults to '_self'. To open in a new window use '_blank'
    target: "_blank",
    // Whether to show the ordinal of this card in the results, i.e. first card is 1 second card is 2,
    // defaults to false
    showOrdinal: false,