Map Pins | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

Map pins are incredibly useful to show a user where a result appears on a map. In Vertical search, they also allow a user to match up the results shown in a list by selecting each pin.

Map pins default with no ordinal numbers

Map Pin Configuration

The pin object in the mapConfig defines the attributes of a map pin. For the vertical-full-page-map layout, you’ll be able to hover over and select these pins. There are three states you can configure for the pin styling: defaultselected and hovered.

"mapConfig": {
  "mapProvider": "MapBox", // The name of the provider (e.g. Mapbox, Google)
  "noResults": {
      "displayAllResults": false
  "pin": {
    "default": { // The pin in its normal state
      "backgroundColor": "#5387d7", // Enter a hex value or color for the pin background
      "strokeColor": "#2a446b",
      "labelColor": "white"
    "hovered": { // The pin when it is hovered
      "backgroundColor": "#2f4d71",
      "strokeColor": "#172638",
      "labelColor": "white"
    "selected": { // The pin when it is selected by mouse click or through a card click
      "backgroundColor": "#2f4d71",
      "strokeColor": "#172638",
      "labelColor": "white"

default refers to the styling of the pins in their normal state (i.e., when the page loads), hovered refers to the styling when you hover over the map pin and selected when you click on each pin. Each one has the following attributes that you can define:

  • backgroundColor This will set the color of the pin. You can use a hex value or a  color name   .
  • labelColor This sets the color of the number on your pin. If your backgroundColor is dark, we recommend setting this to white. If it is lighter, then use a black labelColor. You can use a hex value or a  color name   .
  • strokeColor This controls the border of the pin. You can use a hex value or a  color name   .

By default, the universal map pins will also inherit the color styling of the default.backgroundColordefault.labelColor, and default.strokeColor. To adjust the map pins in universal search to be different from vertical search, define the attributes for your verticalKey in the universal (typically index.json) verticalsToConfig object.

Ordinal numbers are not included by default on vertical search because the pins and result cards are interactive (clicking a pin will scroll to the corresponding result card and darken it, and clicking a result card will highlight the corresponding pin). We especially don’t recommend adding an ordinal when pin clustering has been enabled, as the two sets of numbers could confuse users.

However, if you would like to add ordinals to your vertical search, you can do so by overriding the theme and forking the static/js/theme-map/PinImages.js file. To add an ordinal, there are two main steps:

1) Adding the ordinal numbers to the maps pins

For the first step, update the various calls to the generatePin function to include the index:

getDefaultPin (index, profile) {
    return this.generatePin({
      backgroundColor: this.defaultPinConfig.backgroundColor,
      strokeColor: this.defaultPinConfig.strokeColor,
      labelColor: this.defaultPinConfig.labelColor,
      width: '24',
      height: '28',
      index: index, //default is index:'', update to index: index
      profile: profile

  getHoveredPin (index, profile) {
    return this.generatePin({
      backgroundColor: this.hoveredPinConfig.backgroundColor,
      strokeColor: this.hoveredPinConfig.strokeColor,
      labelColor: this.hoveredPinConfig.labelColor,
      width: '24',
      height: '34',
      index: index, //default is index:'', update to index: index
      profile: profile

  getSelectedPin (index, profile) {
    return this.generatePin({
      backgroundColor: this.selectedPinConfig.backgroundColor,
      strokeColor: this.selectedPinConfig.strokeColor,
      labelColor: this.selectedPinConfig.labelColor,
      width: '24',
      height: '34',
      index: index, //default is index: '', update to index: index
      profile: profile

As needed, you can also adjust the font-familyfont-size and font-weight for the ordinal within the SVG when you override the PinImages.js file.

2) Adding the ordinal numbers to the results cards

For the second step, you will want to update the result card to include an ordinal in the svg. To do this, add the following to your answers.scss:

.VerticalFullPageMap .HitchhikerLocationCard-ordinal {
  display: flex;

Your final result may look as follows:

Map pins with ordinal numbers on cards and map

Further Customize Pins

To further customize the pin (for example, set a pin height/width or use a new pin entirely), update the following files:

  • Vertical Search Pins : static/js/theme-map/PinImages.js
  • Vertical Search Clustered Pins : static/js/theme-map/ClusterPinImages.js
  • Universal Search Pinstemplates/universal-standard/script/map-pin.hbs