Direct Answer | Yext Hitchhikers Platform


The DirectAnswer component shows a Direct Answer to a query. It is usually shown above the UniversalResults component. Direct Answers are only returned on universal search.

Default Styling

Here is the default styling for a Direct Answer: Direct Answer

Base Configuration

Here’s a basic example of adding a direct answer.

<div class="direct-answer-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent("DirectAnswer", {
  container: ".direct-answer-container",

Creating a Custom DirectAnswer Card

You can customize the look and behavior of your Direct Answer by creating a custom Direct Answer card.

A custom Direct Answer card is given the same data as the built-in card. That data will look something like the below:

  type: "FIELD_VALUE",
  answer: {
    entityName: "Entity Name",
    fieldName: "Phone Number",
    fieldApiName: "mainPhone",
    value: "+11234567890",
    fieldType: "phone" 
  relatedItem: { 
    verticalConfigId: 'people',
    data: { 
      id: "Employee-2116",
      type: "ce_person",
      fieldValues: {
        description: "This is the description field.",
        name: "First Last",
        firstName: "First",
        lastName: "Last",
        mainPhone: "+1234567890",

A custom Direct Answer card needs a corresponding template. This can be added either inline by changing the component’s constructor to:

  constructor(config, systemConfig) {
    super(config, systemConfig);
    this.setTemplate(`<div> your template here </div>`)

Or by including a custom template bundle, and adding:

  static defaultTemplateName () {
    return 'CustomDirectAnswerTemplate';

Where CustomDirectAnswerTemplate is the name the template is registered under.

We will use the following template for our example card.

  <div class="customDirectAnswer">
    <div class="customDirectAnswer-type">
    <div class="customDirectAnswer-value">
      {{#each customValue}}
      {{#if url}}
        {{> valueLink }}
    {{> feedback}}

  {{#*inline 'feedback'}}
  <span class="customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon"
    data-opts='{"iconName": "thumb"}'
  <span class="customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon"
    data-opts='{"iconName": "thumb"}'

  {{#*inline 'valueLink'}}
  <a class="customDirectAnswer-fieldValueLink" href="{{{url}}}"
    {{#if @root/eventType}}data-eventtype="{{@root/eventType}}"{{/if}}
    {{#if @root/eventOptions}}data-eventoptions='{{{ json @root/eventOptions }}}'{{/if}}>

This specific example needs some css to flip the thumbs up icon the right way.

  .customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon svg {
    transform: rotate(180deg);

This is the javascript class for our custom Direct Answer card. It applies custom formatting to the Direct Answer, registers analytics events to the thumbs up/down icons, and passes custom event options into the template.

  class CustomDirectAnswerClass extends ANSWERS.Component {
    constructor(config, systemConfig) {
      // If you need to override the constructor, make sure to call super(config, systemConfig) first.
      super(config, systemConfig);

      // For simplicity's sake, we set this card's template using setTemplate(), as opposed to
      // a custom template bundle.
      this.setTemplate(`<div> your template here </div>`)

     * setState() lets you pass variables directly into your template.
     * Here, data is the directAnswer data from the query.
     * Below, we pass through a custom direct answers value, customValue.
     * @param {Object} data
     * @returns {Object}
    setState(data) {
      const { type, answer, relatedItem } = data;
      const associatedEntityId = data.relatedItem && &&;
      const verticalConfigId = data.relatedItem && data.relatedItem.verticalConfigId;
      return super.setState({,
        customValue: this.getCustomValue(answer),
        eventType: 'CUSTOM_EVENT',
        eventOptions: {
          searcher: 'UNIVERSAL',
          verticalConfigId: verticalConfigId,
          entityId: associatedEntityId,

     * onMount() lets you register event listeners. Here, we register the thumbs up and thumbs
     * down buttons to fire an analytics event on click.
    onMount() {
      const thumbsUpIcon = this._container.querySelector('.js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon');
      const thumbsDownIcon = this._container.querySelector('.js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon');
      thumbsUpIcon.addEventListener('click', () => this.reportQuality(true));
      thumbsDownIcon.addEventListener('click', () => this.reportQuality(false));

     * reportQuality() sends an analytics event (either THUMBS_UP or THUMBS_DOWN).
     * @param {boolean} isGood true if the answer is what you were looking for
    reportQuality(isGood) {
      const eventType = isGood === true ? 'THUMBS_UP' : 'THUMBS_DOWN';
      const event = new ANSWERS.AnalyticsEvent(eventType).addOptions({
        directAnswer: true

     * Formats a Direct Answer value based on its fieldType.
     * @param {Object} answer the answer property in the directAnswer model
     * @returns {string}
    formatValue(answer) {
      const { fieldType, value } = answer;
      switch (fieldType) {
        case 'phone':
          return {
              url: '' + value,
              displayText: value,
        case 'rich_text':
          return ANSWERS.formatRichText(value);
        case 'single_line_text':
        case 'multi_line_text':
          return value;

     * Computes a custom Direct Answer. If answer.value is an array, this method
     * formats every value in the array and returns it, otherwise it just formats the single
     * given value.
     * @param {Object} answer
     * @returns {Array<string>}
    getCustomValue(answer) {
      if (Array.isArray(answer.value)) {
        return => this.formatValue(answer))
      } else {
        return [ this.formatValue(answer) ];

     * The name of your custom direct answer card. THIS is the value you will use in any config,
     * such as defaultCard, when you want to specify this custom Direct Answer card.
     * @returns {string}
    static get type() {
      return 'MyCustomDirectAnswerCard';

  // Don't forget to register your Direct Answer card within the SDK. Otherwise the SDK won't recognize your card name!

Using Cardoverrides

Now that we’ve created a custom direct answer card, you can specify which card should be used based on the type of direct answer that returns. There are two possible types: FIELD_VALUE, which returns for NLP filters, and FEATURED_SNIPPET, which returns for document search.

Here, we’ve specified that any FEATURED_SNIPPET direct answers should use a custom card we’ve named MyCustomDirectAnswerCardDocSearch. FIELD_VALUE card types are a little more advanced, we’ll go into these below:

ANSWERS.addComponent("DirectAnswer", {
  container: ".direct-answer-container",
  types: {
      cardType: "MyCustomDirectAnswerCardDocSearch",
    'FIELD_VALUE': {
      cardType: "MyCustomDirectAnswerCard",
      cardOverrides: [
          cardType: 'MyMenuCustomDirectAnswerCard',
          fieldName: 'description',
          entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
          fieldType: 'rich_text'

FIELD_VALUE is using cardOverrides; with these, we can specify that a different card should be used based on the fieldName, entityType, and/or fieldType combination. This DirectAnswer component will pick the first condition matched, so the ordering of the cardOverrides is important. For example, if the following overrides were specified:

cardOverrides: [
    cardType: 'MyCustomDirectAnswerCard',
    entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
    cardType: 'MyOtherCustomDirectAnswerCard',
    fieldName: 'description',
    entityType: 'ce_menuItem',

All menu item entities would receive the MyCustomDirectAnswerCard, since it’s the first rule in the list that applies, even if a direct answer returned for the description field.

Formatting Data in a Direct Answer

You can format data in a direct answer using the transformData hook outlined here .


In this example, we’ve overridden the viewDetailsText and the footerTextOnSubmission. We’re also using a Custom Data Transform to override the formatting for a phone number.

Direct Answer API

Property Type Default Description
The selector for the form used for submitting the feedback
The selector to bind ui interaction to for the thumbs up button
The selector to bind ui interaction to for the thumbs down button
This answered my question
The screen reader text for the thumbs up button.
This did not answer my question
The screen reader text for the thumbs down button.
View Details
The display text for the View Details click to action link, which is the website URL of the entity.
Thank you for your feedback!
The footer text to display on submission of feedback
DEPRECATED Optionally specify a custom direct answer card to use, which is the default when there are no matching card overrides.
DEPRECATED Formerly used to specify a specific direct answer card based on the fieldName, entityType or fieldType
Specify card types and overrides based on the direct answer type (FEATURED_SNIPPET or FIELD_VALUE). Each property is nested under the direct answer type.
The name of the card to use for this direct answer type.
Card overrides for this direct answer type.
The field name for which this override should apply
The entity type name for which this override should apply
The field type for which this override should apply
The card to use when this override is fulfilled